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2019 has been an exciting year for our community of educators and innovators. As we close the year and decade, we wanted to share some of the biggest successes and stories of change from our global innovators. Whoever said education innovations are hard to scale, needs to read this!

2019 has been an exciting year for our community of educators and innovators. As we close the year and decade, we wanted to share some of the biggest successes and stories of change from our global innovators. Whoever said education innovations are hard to scale, needs to read this!


Otsimo’s co-founder Zafer Elcik was selected to "40 under 40 Business People of the Year” by Fortune Turkiye and also have started to work with Ministry of Education of Turkey.

Kide Science in its second year of existence has hosted stress-free and playful science education live lessons with 3-8-years-old children in 6 countries and has made deals to another 7 countries for  2020!

Design for Change hosted over 2500 young changemakers from more than 40 countries around the world for the four-day ‘I CAN Children’s Global Summit’ at the end of November 2019 in Rome!

Digital Schoolhouse (DSH) has doubled its programme reach this year with Nintendo UK as its new lead partner. DSH is ready to springboard into 2020, estimated to deliver ingenious computing and immersive careers to over 32,000 pupils.

Ginnie & Pinney ‘Learn & Grow’ books and videos were selected by the Victorian Department of Education & Training’s School Readiness Funding Menu for 2020 as a recommended resource for Early Learning Centres across Victoria (Australia)

Kiwix just won a MOSS Award from the Mozilla Foundation to build a universal scraper that will allow Kiwix and it’s users to make every website available offline. Project Roll-out for ZIMit is expected at the end of 2020.

United World Schools (UWS) reached a big milestone by opening their 100th primary school in Cambodia. They also received the 2019 WISE Award for their contribution in tackling global education issues for indigenous and ethnic-minority communities across Cambodia, Myanmar and Nepal.

In 2019, Dost Education won the MIT Solve Early Childhood Development Prize, were one of the top 3 EdTech innovations at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai, were a WISE Awards Finalist and received a grant from HP! Also, Sneha Sheth, CEO & co-founder of Dost Education was named as one of the nine 2019 GLG Social Impact Fellows and was mentioned along with her co-founder Sindhuja Jeyabal in a Forbes article on “Founders who Killed it in 2018”

Project Everyone: World's Largest Lesson Nigeria reached over 750,000 children across the country, in a week-long series of SDG events hosted by 2500 youth volunteers, featured by global and other local news.

From over 1,850 global entrepreneurs who entered the Unilever Young Entrepreneurs Awards, Sonal Kapoor from Protsahan India Foundation was recognised as one of the eight winners, for their work in providing Indian girls at risk of abuse, neglect and forced marriage with a path back into mainstream education.

Recognized in a recent Forbes article for lifting the quality of teaching & learning and already being in use by an estimated 70,000 students across seven countries, Tagtiv8 is now looking to scale to Africa

gold Youth Development Agency, represented by CEO Susannah Farr of South Africa, was awarded the first prize of $50 000 at the African Union Innovating Education in Africa Expo 2019, from over 300 applications across Africa, for it's peer education model

Arkki started operations in China and Thailand and won the UNICEF CFCI 2019 Inspire Award with the project “Children Innovate” in Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam.  

STiR Education’s biggest success of 2019 comes from exciting discussions with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda, building a sustainable long-term plan at the end of their current planned five-year engagement in 2022, expanding their present reach from a quarter of all children and teachers in Uganda's government schools to all children in the country

HEI Schools was nominated by Fast Company as a finalist in their annual list of World Changing Ideas in 2019 in the education category. They were selected from over 2,000 submissions to be one of the most innovative educational concepts that has an impact to the world. They are now offering high-quality early education in China, Korea, Australia, and Finland. New HEI Schools are soon opening in Indonesia, Kuwait, Argentina, Mongolia, and Saudi Arabia. 

EduTAT opened its first international Me & MyCity in Beijing in July. Meanwhile, Yrityskylä (Me & MyCity in Finland) reached over 75% of the Finnish 6th graders and started planning to make the learning experience accessible to even a greater number of students in Finland.

Dream a Dream signs MoUs with the governments of three Indian states, supporting the implementation of social-emotional learning and Life Skills Education in government schools through curriculum development and teacher training, thereby collectively impacting more than 1 million young people.

MeeTwo Education was given an exceptional achievement award at the Expo2019 summit in Dubai. The MeeTwo Teenage Mental Help Handbook which they published in 2018 won the British Medical Association’s Health and Social Care Book of the Year for 2019.

BRAC Founder and Chair Emeritus Sir Fazle Hasan Abed was awarded the 2019 Yidan Prize for Education Development, the world's largest international education prize. Sir Fazle was honored for pioneering the Play Lab model, which provides high quality, playful early learning opportunities for children in low-resource settings. 

Apart from being mentioned in the recent Forbes article about the HundrED Innovation Summit, LeerKRACHT Foundation is celebrating the successful launch of the leerKRACHT-academie in September 2019 with over 2000 school leaders and teachers joining the closed community.

The Economist Educational Foundation doubled the number of young people in it's Burnet News Club programme to reach 2,000 9 to 14-year-olds every week, and found that participating young people make 150% more progress than their peers in essential news literacy skills such as reasoning ability and open-mindedness. It also published a free news literacy framework and piloted the 'Global Conversation' project, a six-week online discussion between schools all over the world about a global news story.

The Clubhouse Network was awarded the USA’s highest honor - The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) on behalf of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

After many successful years of implementation in Alberta and demand from across Canada, APPLE Schools expanded to schools in three more provinces and experienced a successful first year of implementation in the new communities. 

In 2019, City Wanderer spread our innovative educational model Wandering Challenge to 4 different countries and 6 different cities, and we look forward to establishing a strong international network to support and inspire purpose-driven young people!

Smart School Alliance was officially adopted by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, successfully solving the problem of difficult recruitment of teachers in rural areas, affecting all the counties in Taiwan, and helping thousands of students to learn new residents' language and English courses. 

Egodact’s biggest win in 2019 was being interviewed by Jonathan Rochelle, Director of Product Management at Google on the main stage at The Next Web Conference #TNW2019.

MTA World is on track to reaching 20,000 individuals by the 1st of May 2020 and provide accessible and radical entrepreneurial education creating successful economically, socially, spiritually & environmentally sustainable MTA-companies.

JAM Enterprises, an afterschool club for primary aged students, began under three years ago and has sold over 41,200 #bethekindkid shirts, which in combination with the sale of other student-created items has allowed JAM to make donations to 40 different charities.  JAM Enterprises continues to scale as twenty-two of the afterschool service clubs have been created in six different states.

Project FUEL in collaboration with the City Education Board of Antwerp is facilitating the theme of democracy in the schools of Antwerp, using the FUEL methodology. The focus is on democratic knowledge and values, the capacity to collaborate and participate, and the feeling of human connection at school and learning from each other.

Green School Bio Bus was granted several prestigious awards namely HundrED 2019: Youth Innovation of The Year, and Climate Children Prize 2019: World's Top 5 Innovation. They have also collected and converted over 10.400 liters of used cooking oil into biodiesel, held over 17.800 biodiesel rides this semester, saving over 14 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. This was made possible due to partnerships with 24 entities including hotels and restaurants in Bali for the used cooking oil collection.

In 2019, the Allegheny Intermediate Unit's transformED distributed catalytic grants to 23 public school districts in Western Pennsylvania to expand cross-disciplinary STEAM opportunities. Grantees worked closely with mentors from an assortment of organizations that included CMU, MIT, and Stanford Projects include the creation of a robotics lab at Duquesne Elementary school and a new outdoor experiential learning area at the Cornell School District.

Sky School’s biggest achievement this year has been the development of their first high-school diploma programme specifically designed for refugee youth, made by involving 150 educators and refugee youth in the process. 

MindUP l The Goldie Hawn Foundation is thrilled to have onboarded and trained 85 new schools across the United States, while their education team has supported 7 districts, 3,090 new teachers and impacted 32,192 students in 2019 alone. The MindUP team is also proud to have been one of the 50 exhibitors at the CASEL 2019 Social & Emotional Learning Exchange in October 2019.

Reach & Match won the OpenIDEO MITKA Education in Emergency Challenge, funded by the Australian Government DFAT. In 2019, they also partnered with Save the Children to delivery the Reach & Match Inclusive Learning Program to over 2400 childrReach & Match Inclusive Education Program for Children in Marawi Cityen for the Marawi crisis (Philippines). 

The Trix and Trax Superhero Talent program had the first hands on peer-learning and role-playing workshop as part of the Helsinki Education Week in Finland (Kaisaniemi Comprehensive School) attended by 28 students and 10 teachers. They are now finishing the year with 500 kids and 40 teachers adopting the TrixandTrax methodology in their classrooms.


Coschool had a successful pilot of their Edumocion Movil teacher-training course on SEL, particularly for educators in rural, post-conflict parts of Colombia. 800 teachers took the course and 85% completed it with certification. It rolled out in 7 regions, 105 schools, and with 20 national partners on board, supporting the original investment from Gates Foundation. They are looking forward to building 8 new modules for Edumocion Movil II in 2020 and working towards training every teacher in Colombia on SEL by 2030.

In 2019, Chatta secured funding for a two-year research project with 12 schools supported by The Shine Trust. Their innovation partner school has been  shortlisted for a Times Education Supplement award for Chatta’s impact with classroom technology. In 2020, Chatta also hopes to start working with new schools in Ireland, Brazil and Finland.

In 2019 XtalksWorldListens has been developing partnership projects in Fiji, India, Bhutan, Kenya and many other parts of the world. 

They started in just one school in Mzuzu, Northern Malawi and now with them still leading the way, more and more young voices, in some of the hardest to reach parts of the planet, are getting ready for 2020 and to be heard on a world stage. 

MEDIAGIRLS piloted licensing their #REALMEDIAGIRL workshop to expand their program nationally. The staff successfully trained and certified 16 educators to teach their 90-minute empowering workshop on how social media influences girls' well-being.

2019 is the year in which MyMachine has scaled to a total of 13 countries in North & South America, Africa, Europe and Asia - reaching the milestone of impacting more than 10000 students. 2019 is also the launch year of their very first real life product: the Chase-Away-The-Bad-Ghosts-Machine: a Dream-Machine-idea invented by children, conceptualised by university students and prototyped by vocational secondary level; now going on sale around the world to support their non-profit and spread their story.

In 2019, a team of students at the Liger Leadership Academy successfully raised over $22,000 to fund their project of building and launching the first Cambodian satellite, thus beginning the space program in Cambodia!

MeeTwo is now supporting 17,800 young people and has extended its support down to 11 year olds following demand from schools and the NHS. In July, MeeTwo won the UK's Tech4Good awards (twice) and in November was commended for Exceptional Achievement by EXPO Live.

THINK Global School's biggest success of 2019 was the graduation of their first class of students who learned exclusively through the Changemaker Curriculum. They were the first to have a TGS experience fully centered around place- and project-based learning, and their Hope Survey results point to higher engagement levels and overall satisfaction.

Global School Leader’s partners in Indonesia, Inspirasi, launched their first cohort of school leaders from 25 schools in Karawang, a city east of Jakarta in July. With big changes being seen already within 4 months of rollout, there are talks of committing to this partnership for the coming 5 to 10 years so as to see real change in the local education communities!

Global Create-a-thon secured local sponsors for their first-ever Global Showcase at the 2019 Napa Lighted Art Festival. The students have also received artwork submission from Switzerland, Finland, east and west coast of the U.S. and the Domincan Republic as their continue to expand and reach more students through this program.

Empowerment and Digital Wellness, ICANHELP Curriculum biggest success, by far, was their #Digital4Good event this past September hosted by Facebook, where nine award winners and several industry leaders gave short presentations on their efforts and journeys in becoming positive social influencers.

Global Oneness Project's film Earthrise was nominated for an Emmy award! They also collaborated with Google Earth, writing a companion curriculum Exploring Indigenous Language Vitality based on Google Earth’s Voyager audio collection Celebrating Indigenous Languages.

Remake Learning's annual family-friendly festival designed to help parents understand how and why learning is being remade -- Remake Learning Days took root in 8 regions beyond southwestern Pennsylvania and West Virginia in 2019 and will be held in 15 locales across America this upcoming spring 2020.

The Drone-based Interdisciplinary Learning & Entrepreneurship Education project developed last year experienced a great success in 2018-2019, and was selected to the Global Spotlight of Employability by hundrED and Sayling Wen Cultural and Educational Foundation. They also shared about their innovation on the stage of NXTEducator Summit in Taipei this December.

High Resolves Co-Founder and CEO, Mehrdad Baghai was awarded ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year’ by The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, in partnership with the World Economic Forum. 

BirdBrain Technologies was selected as part of Fortune Magazine's 2019 Inner City 100 and won the FedEx Champion of Global Entrepreneurship award, which recognizes one Inner City 100 winner for its commitment to diversity, global trade, empowering entrepreneurs, and creating employment opportunities. 

Over the course of 2019, the Cyber-Seniors program has grown from a couple of kids teaching their grandparents how to video chat into a worldwide network of educators. They are currently translating materials into multiple languages, starting with Spanish and French, to reach into more diverse populations and making technology more accessible.

In 2019, Slam Out Loud emerged as one of 6 winners at the UNLEASH+ Pre-Accelerator Program in China, receiving financial support & mentoring from Deloitte towards organisational development and for their solutions to scale up further.

iACT’s Little Ripples (an early childhood education program) expanded into Greece at refugee camp Katsikas. There are approximately 1,200 refugee community members in Katiskas; iACT has completed Teacher Training I with 24 refugee community members trained, 17 refugee women leading the program, and 200 refugee children participating. This program is entirely refugee-led, with the women being the sole decision-makers. 

Foundation Zakoura scaled up their preschool program ANEER, in partnership with INDH - the Moroccan National Initiative for Human Development and opened 250 preschools / 500 classrooms for the benefit of more than 8000 children aged 4-5 years. They are also looking forward to more scalability from 2020-2023 with the goal to double our reach next year to bring access to quality education and opportunities to students and families from rural Moroccan areas.

Kids Can! Innovation Camp's biggest achievement this year is fostering partnership like the Kids Can! App Design Challenge (emPOWER UP) for young learners that focused on environmental care with a national technology company in the Philippines. Kids Can! also partnered with Streets to School, a youth-led organization that focuses on SDGs awareness with high school students. Kids Can! saw its adoption in more than 30 K-12 schools in Batac City, Philippines with a week-long training workshops for the schools' principals and teachers. They are thrilled for the upcoming Global Innovation Camp in January 2020, with 1200 students participating from around the world.

Across 2019, about 40,000 students from over 200 schools across India engaged with 6 of Reap Benefit's games on WASH, through Ashoka India's Nourishing Schools programme. In 2020, Reap Benefit is excited to partner with UNICEF for it's Generation Unlimited programme, which aims to equip 300 million youth in India with problem solving skills and engage them as catalysts of social change. 

AMAZE has reached 32 million views, published over 80 animated videos for adolescents, adapted over 170 videos internationally, and launched its AMAZE Youth Ambassadors program in 2019---a group of twenty adolescents who actively advise AMAZE on its videos and strategies while also serving as AMAZE spokespersons.


and many more..


To explore the HundrED 2020 Global Collection, click here.
