We love to learn. However, we hate sitting down for long periods of time. Sadly, many schools focus only on English & Mathematics – with certain subjects put to one side. In some schools, subjects are taught in boxes – this is not how we learn best. Our mission is simple – to create educational resources & training that are fun, engaging & impact on wellbeing & academic performance.
As teachers and leaders, we need to look at ways we can increase and embed creative opportunities for learning.
Our approaches and ideas help develop unique and innovative ways to combine English, Mathematics and other subjects with Physical Activity. Tagtiv8 resources and training help teachers to unlock the potential of the classroom, PE hall and outdoor environment for learning different subjects, while also developing levels of fitness in our children.
Studies show that children who are physically fit are better at absorbing and retaining new information. We promote physical activity – crucial when we all face the increasing problem of sedentary lifestyles.
Quite often, children do not realise it's a Maths or English or Science lesson until half way through or at the end of the lesson. How do we hook children into learning? By making it fun, active and relevant.
"I used to think I was rubbish at Maths, but now I know I'm not."
Ethan, age 10.
Tagtiv8 is now working - and playing - with more schools than ever before.
Our successes are down to the teachers and the children, who co-create content and then share their ideas and impacts online.
Teachers access activity plans and guidance via the online portal, thereby cutting down on their carbon footprints and saving time!
Innovative individuals and organisations share what we do. Why? They recognise the impact of blending of moving with learning.
We started in the UK, but the global appeal and simplicity mean we now have schools pioneering the approaches around the globe.
Looking ahead, we have developed a Train the Trainer model, which means we can now scale at a productive level.
Check out the website and connect on social media.
Count the smiles of the children and read what they - and their teachers - think about our active learning resources and approaches.
We are happy to talk you through ideas online in the first instance. Then, let's move & learn together!