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Tagtiv8 Active Learning

We activate learning in Mathematics, English, other subjects & languages - crucial in times of increasingly sedentary lifestyles.

As teachers & leaders, we need to look at ways to embed creative opportunities for learning. Tagtiv8’s physically active learning (PAL) approaches & ideas develop innovative ways to combine Mathematics, English, other subjects and language with physical activity. Research by Leeds Beckett University demonstrate that our PAL solutions tackle inactivity & obesity & impact on standards.

HundrED 2021


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HundrED 2021

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December 2023
For teachers, school leaders and policy makers to recognise that children do not need to sit to learn. Research demonstrates that 'Move & Learn' approaches impact positively on health and academic outcomes. Tagtiv8's innovative resources, training and online planning empower teachers to take learning beyond the classroom walls.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We love to learn. However, we hate sitting down for long periods of time. Sadly, many schools focus only on English & Mathematics – with certain subjects put to one side. In some schools, subjects are taught in boxes – this is not how we learn best. Our mission is simple – to create educational resources & training that are fun, engaging & impact on wellbeing & academic performance.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

As teachers and leaders, we need to look at ways we can increase and embed creative opportunities for learning.

Our approaches and ideas help develop unique and innovative ways to combine English, Mathematics and other subjects with Physical Activity. Tagtiv8 resources and training help teachers to unlock the potential of the classroom, PE hall and outdoor environment for learning different subjects, while also developing levels of fitness in our children.

Studies show that children who are physically fit are better at absorbing and retaining new information. We promote physical activity – crucial when we all face the increasing problem of sedentary lifestyles.

Quite often, children do not realise it's a Maths or English or Science lesson until half way through or at the end of the lesson. How do we hook children into learning? By making it fun, active and relevant.

"I used to think I was rubbish at Maths, but now I know I'm not."
Ethan, age 10.

How has it been spreading?

Tagtiv8 is now working - and playing - with more schools than ever before.

Our successes are down to the teachers and the children, who co-create content and then share their ideas and impacts online.

Teachers access activity plans and guidance via the online portal, thereby cutting down on their carbon footprints and saving time! Our planning and support app is now available via the Apple Store.

Innovative individuals and organisations share what we do. Why? They recognise the impact of blending of moving with learning.

We started in the UK, but the global appeal and simplicity mean we now have schools pioneering the approaches around the globe.

Looking ahead, we have developed a Train the Trainer model, which means we can now scale at a productive level.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Check out the website and connect on social media.

Count the smiles of the children and read what they - and their teachers - think about our active learning resources and approaches.

We are happy to talk you through ideas online in the first instance. Then, let's move & learn together!

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

Tagtiv8 Active Learning integrates movement into literacy and numeracy. By equipping teachers with activities to take their students out of their chairs (literally) and encourage learning through movement, they are not only increasing their overall health but also their ability to understand and grasp concepts. This innovation has been spreading and already successful in 8 countries.

HundrED Academy Reviews

Everything you learn by moving your body will remain in your brain as an active knowledge because you moved in order to achieve it. Bringing teachers on board to make the dynamics possible is going to generate a positive impact in the classroom/school.

Research shows that children physically fit are better at absorbing and retaining new information. Tagtiv8 offers a new perspective on learning which makes English and Maths active, relevant and fun. Thus it has positive impact on students.;. It reaches 80K children in 8 countries since 2013.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process


Tagtiv8 Heads to Greece - Tagtiv8
Playful Poetry
BBC News Report PPESP
We love collaborating with fellow HundrED innovators. Our love for TT Rock Stars is no secret. Everywhere we go, we see their Leaderboards in schools. Children and teachers alike love the gamification and the fun. The impact is quick and long lasting.Taking their idea and adding a few twists of our own, we have created our new Tagtiv8 League Tables. Children form tams and then create their own:namemotto or mantracode of conductchantThey then play a series of matches against other teams in their school. There are points for:winningcreativityteamworkfair playresilienceDoes it work? Of course - a bit of friendly competition helps motivate the children and their teachers.
World Education Summit - Osiris Educational
Helping Local Communities Tackle Health Issues
13,000 More Children Moving & Learning
Further Research Funding
Making Learning Stick - in All Subjects & Languages
A More Eco-Friendly Sustainable Resource
Helping Schools Emerge from Covid-19 Lockdown
Taking Tagtiv8 to Scotland
BBC: Supporting Families with Home Learning
Taking Tagtiv8 to Argentina with Hei Schools
Creativity - Children Create Content
Tagtiv8 Training Programme Approved
The Power of Student Led Learning - Tagtiv8
Premier League Collaborations
Taking Tagtiv8 to Kenya
Taking Tagtiv8 to the Basque Region
Tagtiv8 Transition - Smoothing the Process - Tagtiv8
Move & Learn with Tagtiv8
TT Rock Stars & Tagtiv8 - Tagtiv8
Creactivity with Night Zookeeper & Tagtiv8 - Tagtiv8
Working & Playing with Cities
Physically Active Learning- Improving Performance | Bryn Llewellyn & Andy Daly-Smith | TEDxNorwichED
Tagtiv8 & Star Wars - May The Force Be With You
Sharing PAL with the BBC & the Premier League
An Intergenerational Pilot - PAL Works with All Ages
Closing the Gender Gap - PAL for Girls & Boys
Hft - Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities and Autism
Influencing Policy & Decision Making
Show more

Implementation steps

Watch the Video

Many people don't 'get' Physically Active Learning (PAL) approaches until they see them in action. Here's a taster video to whet the appetite. Listen to what school leaders and teachers have to say...

Check Out the Website
Visit the website and find out about who we are and what we do to activate learning in English and Mathematics.
Consider the Evidence

There is a growing body of evidence from research around the world that proves that Physically Active Learning (PAL) work as well as play. Not only does PAL impact on fitness and health, it also improves cognition. To find out more, watch the video and read about the research by Leeds Beckett University here.

Read About What Others Are Saying

According to Kim Sutton, a teacher from Australia, “It’s great to support what you are doing with research, but I honestly think the proof is with the kids! They love it.”

To find out what school leaders, teachers and children are saying, click here.

Take Your First Steps

Ask yourselves:

  • Where are you in your #moveandlearn journey?

  • What do you want your children and colleagues to do? How do you want them to think?

  • What can you do to get your children moving more through Physically Active Learning (PAL) approaches?

  • How can you change behaviour in school?

  • Who and what are your blockers? How can you overcome barriers?

  • Who are your key players? Who will help bring about change within your community?

  • How can you inspire and involve families?

We can connect you with schools on different stages of their #moveandlearn journeys.Contact us for advice, suggestions and resources. We are here to help and signpost you to others.

Connect with Like Minded People

Modern schools are incredibly busy places with relentless pressures to increase standards.

In amongst all of this, the health and wellbeing of UK primary school children is on the decline.

  • Physical activity levels amongst UK primary-aged children are falling from as early as 7-years of age

  • Only 10% of children achieve the daily recommendations for physical activity

  • Increasing numbers of children in the UK are leaving school classified as obese or overweight

Traditional approaches towards improving health outcomes for children focus heavily upon Sport & PE during segmented periods of the school day. But does this engage all children in becoming more active? Or does it merely maintain the levels of those that are active already?

Move & Learn will focus on the principles of Physically Active Learning (PAL). Research in this field has found that PAL can:

  • Improve classroom behaviour and activity engagement

  • Significantly reduce sedentary periods of time

  • Offer aggregated improvement in academic performance over time

Tagtiv8 provide resources & ideas that reflect the ethos.

Join 'Move & Learn'...

Become a Tagtiv8 Trainer

Tagtiv8 has grown slowly - with no investment or backing from others. What has driven us? The belief that our 'move & learn' approaches work. The impact is evidenced in the smiles of the children and their attitudes to learning, as well as the feedback from their teachers. Initial research demonstrates impact on inactivity levels and academic performance.

What next?

To continue our growth, we need others to help spread the Tagtiv8 messages and programmes in locations around the world. We have created a training programme - linked to the Teaching Standards in the UK - with One Awards. This has been approved by Ofqual so with that seal of approval, we are ready to scale up and move forwards.

To find out more, just reach out...

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