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place Finland

Yrityskylä provides young people with competencies for the future.

All school children should have access to basic skills in economy and working-life. Yrityskylä -learning module helps pupils to be more prepared for further studies and working-life. It gives young people the first touch of working-life and supports their growth into functioning members of society.
HundrED 2020


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HundrED 2020

Financial Skills for the Youth

Updated June 2019
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All students
Target group
I learned how to interact with different people and how to be responsible and use money. Yrityskylä is the best thing I ever experienced at school

About the innovation

What is Yrityskylä?

What we do?

Yrityskylä is a Finnish learning innovation for 12-13-year-old pupils. Yrityskylä learning module teaches skills and knowledge about the economy, working life and society whilst encouraging an entrepreneurial attitude. A study shows that the Yrityskylä learning module improves the financial literacy of pupils.

The learning experience includes teacher training, 10 school lessons and a day in the Yrityskylä learning environment. The learning environment is a miniature city where the pupils work in real companies and occupations. For one day, pupils get to run the city by themselves and act as employees and citizens as a part of society. The learning experience is supported by a custom-designed digital game system that demonstrates the circulation of money.

75% of the age group in Finland participate in the Yrityskylä learning experience. The innovation brings together cities, municipalities, companies and learning institutions. According to the pupils’ feedback, they get excited about working-life and say that the Yrityskylä experience is The Best Schoolday Ever!

Why we do it?

Financial literacy is a skill comparable to reading and writing. We want to offer young people a chance to learn about economic phenomena and practice financial skills that are needed in everyday life, starting from an early age. Introducing these skills to young people in a practical and authentic way makes economy become a natural part of their lives.

We want to offer young people encouraging experiences in the fields of economy, working life, society, and entrepreneurship in a high-quality pedagogical learning environment. The better the knowledge and the skills young people have, the easier it is for them to transfer to working life, influence the environment around them and, possibly, become entrepreneurs.

Yrityskylä learning concept is developed and run in Finland by a non-profit organisation, Economy and Youth TAT.

Impact & scalability

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