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Trix and Trax

Want to learn life skills through passion fuelled events, the Superhero Talent program and social media?

Trix and Trax help students discover and develop talents in arts, music, dance, sports...Who they are? and what is their passion? through "peer learning and Role Playing" the student is always the STAR. We combine Values, Live events, Superhero TP, Digital tool, and Technology. recorded performances are shared in a controlled social media platform to be recognized amongst their peers!
HundrED 2020


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HundrED 2020

HundrED 2019

HundrED 2018

Updated April 2024
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Students lower
Target group
Activities such as Trix and Trax are essential not only to encourage the development of talent in arts, music, and sports but also to teach values that are important to our educational institution such as creativity, leadership, teamwork, and self-confidence.

About the innovation

What is Trix and Trax?

Adolescent years are some of the most crucial and influential of a student’s life. They are often plagued with low self-esteem and poor self-image which can be detrimental for young people and stop them from developing their passions and interests.

We need to develop opportunities that get them excited, Trix and Traxprovides encouragement and motivation to help them fulfill their potential in a way that reinforces and builds sociol-emotional skills.

Trix and Trax is an educational program integrating live events with online video performances. With over 1000 video performances and over 2 million online views this social media based platform is creating quite a buzz around student's passions.

The program is centered around 5 zones:

  • The Trix Zone - to show and learn to do tricks with a ball like football-freestyle, skateboarding, slackline, rollerblade, BMX, or any non-traditional sports.

  • The Trax Zone - to show and learn to play music with a guitar, drum, bass, mix music like a Dj, sing or play with your band.

  • The Dance Zone - to show and learn new steps, dance styles, and choreography.

  • The Visual Arts Zone to show and learn to paint, graffiti or photography.

  • The Media-Tech Zone: To film and edit videos and manage the online platform and social media channels for those who prefer to stay behind the cameras and be part of "The Staff."

Trix and Traxcreates the right conditions so that any student can perform in front of others in a safe environment to showcase their talents, in any of the zones, and learn from each other.

Theprogramworks to transform the tacit knowledge of these "Super Heroes" into a step by step practical learning methodology to enable them todiscover their talents & learn how to teach & learn fromtheir peers.Through a set of sessions, each "Super Hero" first learns to discover and present their talents. Theythenwork as a group, divided by their zone of choice, to work in teams, teaching and motivatinga group of peers to prepare a final group performance for each zone. Videos of these performances are shared on the Trix and Trax social media tool and students give positive feedback and recognizeeach others strengths.

All participants of the program then take on the final challenge of organizing a Trix and Trax event for the school where each zone is set up,not only to highlight their talent but also to welcome other students who want to experiment and learn more about it. They are now ready to show their talent and to teach and motivate and inspire others to show their talents.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability


Trix and Trax puts a new spin on the idea of a talent show. Students are superheros and develop their talent while gaining leadership & entrepreneurial skills. Trix and Trax also use their online resources & social media to connect multiple peers, teachers & schools together.


Trix and Trax have numerous case studies of impact with many young people going on to pursue careers in their passion because of their experience, as well as skill development such as confidence and collaborative learning.


Trix and Trax currently operate in both Venezuela and Chile. Trix and Trax have had 15,000 participants in over 28 events. Their online record boasts 1000 performance videos with more than 2 million views on social media.

Academy review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Planning, Invitation & Discovery

TrixandTrax Academy

The first step is to decide how you will introduce Trix and Trax in your school to begin the journey for students to discover and share their passions!

As a school you must decide how you will implementTrix and Trax. Some schools do Trix and Trax as part of their school day whilst others do Trix and Trax asan extra-curricular activity. The recommended time to dedicate each week for the programme is 2 sessions of 45 minutes over the course of oneyear.

If the programme will be extra-curricular you should invite studentsto voluntarily become part of the Trix and Trax Super Hero programme explaining the opportunities it will involve from discovering their passions, to performing, as well as the benefits of peer learning and teaching.

If you choose to run this programme during a typical school day you could integrate Trix and Trax as part of your arts, music, sports lessons or whatever suits your curriculum/school. Or, if you are a project-based school this would work well asa project.

The programme is split into 3 Phases - one phase per term.

The phases and lessons for teachers can be found herein the programme. This programme schedule can be adapted to suit your school's needs.Phase A involves 3 steps, this is the first one!

Learners should understand thatthey need to internalize the Trix and Trax values and make sure that those values are always present in any activity related to the program.

As Trix and Trax participants they need to exhibit qualities that make them TOPES:

  • T comes from the fact that they're expected to be TRANSPARENT witheverything that they say or promise during the program.

  • O represents the fact they they're encouraged to be ORIGINAL ineverything that they express or do during the program.

  • P stands for the fact that they need to be PROACTIVE to make sure that the program can be delivered to itsfull potential.

  • E stands for EMPATHY which they all need to have when giving feedback to others during the program.

  • S represents the fact that they should SMILE all the way through the end of the program. It's meant to be fun!

Stressing these values is important to create an environment free of any type of bullying behavior and safe for everyone to perform and share those performances.


Participants get the mindset required to be supportive of each other. They should know they are special to be a part of Trix and Trax.


We recommend that the TOPES values are printed and posted in areas where students can see them.

Presentation & Passion
The second step in Phase A is to facilitate students in the school to discover their passions and convert them into a path to build skills for life.

Atthe next stage of the program all participants can access theTrix and Trax online platform to collectbaseline information about their interest and socio-emotional state. Thisbaseline will be used tomeasure the impact the program hason participants.

Using a short online questionnaire, we would measure participants along the following dimensions:

  1. Level of interest in each of the zones.

  2. Ten-Item Personality Inventory, TIPI (Gosling et al., 2003).

  3. The General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) (Schwarzer y Jerusalem, 1995).

  4. Grit (Duckworth et al., 2007).

  5. Depression scale CES (Radloff, 1977).

  6. Perceived Stress Scale (cohen kamarck & mermelstein 1983).

Students are then encouraged to perform in front of their peers, to demonstrate theirpassion or express what moves them.

After these presentations students receive a certificate of recognition for their effort. All performance videos will be shared among participants and they will be asked to provide positive feedback and support their favorites.

Based on their personal interest, students will then create smaller groups where they will learn from each other.


  • All surveys set the baseline against which the impact of the intervention will be measured.

  • All participants discover who they are and what they're passionate about.

  • Students gain self confidence and improve in their presentation skills and public presentation confidence.

Test your creativity!
The next step in Phase A focuses on the learners converting tacit knowledge into a learning methodology to develop creativity.

With the support ofteacher(s), each learner will be supported through inquiry to piece together a breakdown of the steps required to learn how to do their passion.

The emphasis will be placed on how each participant learned and developed his/her specific talent to find a way to replicate that process in a way that is adaptable and compelling for the rest of participants.


  • A step-by-step guideline for teaching each of the talents of the participant is prepared including a timeline of execution.

  • Participants experience the creative process of converting tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge.

Learning from peers to create individual performances
In the final step of Phase A students use their documentation of passions and talents to teach and learn them from their peers.

Learners work in groups to teach them the skills they know so that each participant in their group is able to do an individual performance.

Challenge: Their individual presentationvideos from their performances are shared among participants to encourage peer recognition. Media-Tech staff arein charge of filming editing and uploading the videos for sharing on the Trix and Trax online platform. All performers and staff receive certificates.


  • All participants are now able to perform individually and as a part of a group.

  • Participants gain self-confidence.

Peer to peer learning & leadership
The next step focuses on empowering super heroes to develop leadership skills to become better teachers.

Leveraging the teaching experience of the implementation teacher(s), participants should be taught a "crash course" on key teaching techniques. Participants should beencouraged to prepare each class under the subordination and help of the implementation teacher(s).


  • Participants get coached by teachers to acquire basic teaching skills that they will develop as they teach others.

  • Participants develop leadership skills

Learning from peers to perform as a group
Participants pick an area of interest and work together to prepare a group performance in front of the rest.

The challenge here is to createaZone Group presentation.

Videos from group performances are shared among participants to encourage peer recognition. Media-Tech staff arein charge of filming editing and uploading the videos for sharing on the Trix and Trax online platform.

All surveys completed in step 2 are repeated to measure the impact of the intervention thus far.


  • All participants are now able to perform as part of a group.

  • Participants work on teamwork.

Entreprenurial spirit and the final event!
The final phase focuses on collaborating to organise a Trix and Trax event for your school.

All participants from different zones come together to organize a one-day event in their school where they would work as team to execute the following tasks over the course of 5 weeks (10 sessions):

  1. Find a suitable place for an event where all zones will be present

  2. Determine resources and timeline required to execute the event

  3. Prepare budget and find sources of financing

  4. Launch marketing and promotion campaign

  5. Execute event following Trix and Trax guidelines

All surveys completed in step 2 are repeated after the event to measure the impact of the intervention.


  • All participants organize a Trix and Trax Talent Show event featuring 'Super Heroes'and 'Staff'from all zones appropriate for the school.

  • The “Super Heroes” and “Staff” are in charge of motivatingand encouragingthe participation of their school peers and to become role models

  • All participants build up their entrepreneurial skills by starting something from scratch.

  • The impact of the intervention is measured and compared to a control group.


  • Trix and Trax event guidelines and graphic materials will be shared with school to provide consistency across events.

  • Size of the event varies according to school size and budget.

  • Trix and Trax online platform will be provided to enable schools to have their own channel to post their videos.

  • A survey of event satisfaction will be provided to measure the impact of the participants.

Spread of the innovation

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