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Creating Together By Kids to Kids

An innovative teaching methodology through which children exercise verbal, visual, gestural and auditory communication.

Creating Together by By Kids to Kids is an innovative teaching methodology through which children exercise verbal, visual, gestural and auditory languages. Creating Together contributes to important areas of a child’s development through stories which are brought to life through animated films and books. The methodology is easily implemented in any environment anywhere in the world.

HundrED 2021


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October 2023
By Kids to Kids has shown me how its organization places the students in the center of the the design of teaching environment.

About the innovation

Creating Together

By Kids to Kids was born with the objective of enhancing the classroom experience by turning children´s stories and drawings into animated films. It very quickly turned into a valuable teaching and learning tool. With the support of psychologists, pedagogues, educators and teachers, By Kids to Kids developed a methodology that can be applied anywhere in the world, and with children of different age groups and backgrounds.

Creating Together is part of the By Kids to Kids platform and is designed to be simple and easily implemented. Through it, the children create stories, draw the characters and other elements of the story and narrate the stories. All these elements are then sent to By Kids to Kids that then produces animated film true to the children´s stories and using their drawings and narrations. The animated film then becomes a printed book.

These animated films and books are enjoyed by the students and other children across the world through our Encyclokids Platform, a digital video library.

While the children have fun creating stories, drawing characters and narrating, they develop skills they need to become more creative, collaborative and independent individuals.

Under the STEPS section below in this page you can find out more about the various benefits of the methodology as well as watch some of the hundreds of animations already produced.

Children and teachers enjoy the experience in different ways and for different reasons.

The children learn through play. Children like stories and drawing. And when they see these come to life through animations and books they are overcome with a sense of pride. They have together created something they can enjoy together, but that can and also will be seen by children across the globe and contribute to their lives.

The teachers will have a unique tool that will contribute to promoting a different learning experience to their students. Creating Together will help them enhance various skills their students need in and outside the classroom. These include social skills, but also reading and writing.

Creating Together is implemented at the teacher´s and the student´s own tempo. Some schools go through all the steps in 2 weeks, others may wish to take longer. The stories are also decided by the teacher. The stories can be based on a subject taught in class (thus contributing to the retention of the subject), they can be based on a topic of the daily life of the students (like friendship, bullying, manners, family or a new kid in school) or simply based on pure imagination.

By Kids to Kids / Creating Together works today with over 8.000 children in Brazil and has expanded to Denmark and soon scheduled to start in Sweden. Our goal is to be in five more countries by the end of 2021. Our representatives are ready to present our programs and aid teachers in the implementation.

Our headquarters are based in Brazil, where all the animated films are produced, independent of the language. We have today a representative in Europe, based in Denmark. Depending on the interest of other countries, new representatives are ready to come onboard.

Our animators are prepared to work remotely and in scale. We have developed a platform that allows animators located in different places around the world to carry out productions.

Eight reasons to implement Creating Together

1 - It offers the educator a new dynamic for teaching and learning by unifying technology and play.

2 - The program develops skills such as leadership, cooperation and discussion through teamwork and the division of responsibilities.

3 - It promotes inclusive education as it covers themes which value ethical, social, cultural, intellectual, physical and sensorial diversity.

4 - Contributes to the application of the content/subjects proposed by the school.

5 - Allows knowledge building in an innovative way, using the language of the student of the twenty first century.

6 - Promotes the interest for oral, written and artistic production within the group.

7 - Develops the student’s autonomy, creativity and social responsibility.

8 - Allows the child to be inserted in the virtual world in an attractive, legitimate and current manner

New in 2022:

The By Kids to Kids teaching methodology has been contributing to transform education, helping to increase content retention in the classroom as well as generating educational content which can impact students, young and old, around the world.

With the objective of contributing even further to this transformation, we have launched two new products which help close a learning cycle that consists of training young people and adults to work on the production of animations created in the classroom.

The first is the Creating Together 2D animation course. A very simple course through which children as of the age of 10 and also adults can learn how to transform the stories, the drawings and the voice overs made in the classroom into animations. The second is a platform for 2D animation producers named BKTK Studio.

Read more about our 2D course and the BKTK Studio further below on this page (under heading Steps)

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

Learning through storytelling allows children to develop their creative skills. This innovation gives teachers a unique tool that will contribute to promoting a different learning experience to their students. It could be used in many languages. Currently operating in Brazil and has further plans to scale to Denmark and Sweden.

HundrED Academy Reviews

With its relatively low tech requirements and universal appeal around storytelling, this innovation has great potential for scaling.

This could be a really exciting way to bring learning to life for students. They would love to see their stories being animated and having an external service to send the resources to would be great for teachers who don't feel that they have the skills to take those next digital steps.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Creating Together - All you need

With these four items and an internet connection you are ready to go! Through our platform you will send us your stories, the drawings and the narrations of the stories and By Kids to Kids will produce the animations and the books for your children to enjoy at the end of the process.

These are the simple steps

The time spent on each activity will vary from classroom to classroom and by age group. Some classes complete the program from creating to narrating in a couple of weeks, some may take longer or less time. The pace is determined by the teacher and the dynamic of the classroom as well as the areas that the teacher wants to reinforce.

BKTK Studio * NEW

The By Kids to Kids / Creating Together teaching methodology has been contributing to transform education, helping to increase content retention in the as well as generating educational content which can impact students, young and old, around the world.

With the objective of contributing even further to this transformation, we have created and launched a platform for 2D animation producers named BKTK Studio.

Through the BKTK (By Kids to Kids) Studio children, teenagers or others can collaborate in the production of animations for By Kids to Kids. Once having completed the Creating Together 2D Animation Course and having been qualified, the individual can access a project base through the platform and work on a part of or an entire animation. The individual will be remunerated. It allows for people all around the world to collaborate, no matter where they are in world.

Together with our animation course, the BKTK Studio will allow the students (or any person who does the course and has been qualified) to collaborate with By Kids to Kids in the production of animations, that is, the process that has started in the classroom can then be finished in the school itself. This is a very rich and current cycle, for it adds an inclusion perspective to the existing and future marketplace.

One of the aspects to be highlighted is, for example, the possibility of inclusion to the digital world, so necessary in today’s world, in regions and populations with limited access either geographically or socio economically. Imagine a region of difficult access and limited job possibilities, like the riverside communities in Northern Brazil. With the arrival of the internet to the region (which is happening) and some computers we can offer the course and then the possibility of work through our platform. But it is not only a work opportunity, it is also the kind of work that connects with the rest of the world, that offers interaction and information and allows them to be up to date in the digital world and at the same time provide an income.

The impact in these communities is immense, and it will also reflect in their own creations since they may include their experiences and their way of seeing the world from their point of view.

Another example would be refugees that arrive in the country without a work perspective. Wouldn’t it be gratifying if they could work with education in the country that welcomes them, and have direct contact with the language and local cultures?

Another relevant aspect is that BKTK Studio platform allows the animators to choose in which steps of the animation process they want to work with. We can also direct the available projects to specific regions, cities, neighborhoods and even schools. For example: a person living in New York does the course. We can direct some animations to that specific area code and thus people living in Brooklyn, for example, can produce animations for stories developed in schools from Brooklyn.

Thus, considering that the individual that lives in Brooklyn pays his/her municipal taxes, the municipality that contracts By Kids to Kids to apply the methodology in the schools of that district, will have part of the invested resources given back in form of work since that individual can produce animations and be remunerated for it.

2D Animation Course - Creating Together * NEW

The By Kids to Kids teaching methodology has been contributing to transform education, helping to increase content retention in the classroom as well as generating educational content which can impact students, young and old, around the world.

With the objective of contributing even further to this transformation, we have created and launched the Creating Together 2D Animation Course which helps close a learning cycle that consists of teaching and training young people and adults to work on the production of animations created in the classroom.

It is a simple animation course through which children as of the age of 10 and also adults can learn how to transform the stories, the drawings and the voice overs made in the classroom into animations.

It teaches all the steps of the creative and production process of animating a film, such as those made for By Kids to Kids. This includes treating and cutting images, organizing files, composing backdrops, basic movement of objects on screen, animating characters, scene editing, audio editing, rendering and much more. The following Adobe software are used in different steps: Photoshop, After Effects and Audition.

Now the process that has started in the classroom through stories, drawings and voice overs can be produced and finished in the school itself. This is a very rich and current cycle, for it adds an inclusion perspective to the existing and future marketplace.

Benefits of Creating Together

Here are some of the areas the program works on. It is up to the teacher to determine the most important ones for his/her students and how much time will be spent on each.

User Guide

When working with By Kids to Kids you receive a User Guide book outlining the steps and also inspiration for stories and much more.

Encyclokids - Check out our animations

By joining our program you and your school will have access to hundreds of animations created by children from around the world. Updated monthly, there is no end for inspiration, class discussion starters, class content, etc.

Today most of the films are in Portuguese, but this is rapidly changing. We are preparing an English version of this web page.

Check out some of our animations by clicking on the link below.

Contact By Kids to Kids

Our headquarters are located in Brazil and we have a representative in Scandinavia. You can contact us in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish or Swedish (for now!).

Gilberto Barroso - CEO and Co-Founder

Spread of the innovation

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