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20.12.2019 |

HundrED Spotlights

HundrED Spotlights are small, focused collections of innovations within a theme and/or a region. Spotlights explore innovations within the scope thoroughly and gain deep insight on those education innovations to share with the world to see for free.

HundrED's mission is to improve education through impactful innovations. Following the interest of our first Global Collection, we began to get requests to replicate the research and selection process in different areas. As a result, we developed the HundrED Spotlight.

HundrED Spotlights are small, focused collections of innovations within a theme and/or a region. Spotlights thoroughly explore education innovations within the scope and gain deep insight on those innovations to share with the world.

HundrED Spotlights are organized with partner organizations that are interested in discovering innovations, driving awareness or cultivating innovation in a region or theme. Once a Spotlight has been announced, applications are open for anyone to submit their innovations for consideration. All innovations undergo our rigorous research process and must adhere to our strict criteria of high impact and scalability.

Each innovation selected in the Spotlight is packaged on our website in a way that clearly explains it and outlines how it can be implemented elsewhere. The results are also supplemented with a research report as well as inspirational photographs and videos. After the selected innovations are celebrated at a closing event, all of the innovators are invited to participate in the HundrED community. Spotlight innovators start by meeting each other, and then attending events and collaborating with other members of the HundrED community. Innovators that are highly active are able to find partnerships, funding, support, and meaningful connections from the HundrED global community in over 100 countries.

Finally, all selected Spotlight organizers and innovators are invited to the annual HundrED Summit in Helsinki to hear from some of our most inspiring innovators, partners, and funders.

In 2019 we completed several Spotlights from global Digital Wellbeing innovators in partnership with Supercell to the greater Pittsburgh area with The Grable Foundation and Remake Learning.

We also have several ongoing Spotlights for 2020:

1. Bilingual Education

Why: In today’s multilingual and multicultural world, monolingualism is more or less becoming the exception. Bilingual education helps students to understand and experience other languages and cultures, and therefore plays a key role in advancing mutual tolerance. This Spotlight highlights creative solutions that enable schools all over the world to promote and foster bilingualism by encouraging positive attitudes towards language learning and awareness.

Theme: Global K12 educators and innovators focusing on bilingual education, bilingual empowerment & biliteracy skills. 

Announcement: September 25, 2020

Partners: Svenska Kulturfonden

 2. Creativity

Why: Whenever we are discussing helping schools change, there is one fundamental skill everyone mentions - creativity. Almost everyone seems to agree that we need to be a lot better in teaching this fundamental skill to future generations in all continents. This Spotlight will highlight some of the great education innovations focusing on cultivating this skill around the world.

Theme: Global K12 innovators cultivating creativity in children or training teachers on how to teach creativity

Announcement: November 6, 2020

Partners: The LEGO Foundation

 3. 21st Century Skills

Why:There is a wealth of conversation around the world today on the future of the workplace and the skills required for children and youth to thrive in that future. This Spotlight will highlight some of the great education innovations in Latin America and the Caribbean that focus on fostering essential 21st Century Skills like social-emotional skills, project-based learning, music, sports and more.

Who can Apply: Global K12 innovators cultivating creativity in children or training teachers on how to teach creativity

Application Deadline: October 30, 2020

Partners: The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)


Spotlight Partnership Opportunity

HundrED Spotlights are organized by HundrED and a Spotlight Partner. The scope of the Spotlight is decided together before the announcement is made. HundrED will conduct in-depth research into these innovations before the final selections are made by HundrED and the partner after review from an advisory board. The partner is expected to request applications from innovators, review the initial innovation research, contribute to the selection advisory board, and coordinate on event production. Results will be packaged and shared on the HundrED platform.

HundrED Spotlights are non-profit projects but rely on funding from Spotlight Partners.

Spotlight Partners are able to choose a location or theme of interest, in partnership with HundrED, to help drive change in education globally. Partners can promote the findings on their own platforms and through their own networks.

If you are interested in becoming a HundrED Spotlight Partner please email our Head of Growth, Danny Gilliland at  
