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25.4.2021 | Mariah O'Mara |

Our Teachers for a Changing World Spotlight with the World Bank Closes with Record Breaking Results

The submission period for our HundrED Teachers for a Changing World Spotlight closed last month with 435 innovation applications - our most ever for a Spotlight collection! The Spotlight was created in partnership with The World Bank Group with the goal of identifying and sharing leading solutions from around the world that are teachers to thrive in an ever-changing classroom.

The submission period for our HundrED Teachers for a Changing World Spotlight closed last month with over 435 innovation applications - our most ever for a Spotlight collection!  

The Spotlight was created in partnership with The World Bank Group, with funding support from the Global Partnership for Education, with the goal of identifying and sharing leading solutions from around the world that are helping teachers to thrive in an ever-changing classroom.


  • This was our most successful Spotlight yet - with 435 submissions from 80 countries!
  • It was also our most ambitious Spotlight project, with applications accepted in 5 languages.
  • The majority of the submissions were from South America (25.8%), followed by Africa (21.8%), Asia (21.5%), North America (15.7%), Europe (12.6%), and Oceania (2.5%) respectively. 
  • The results of this Spotlight will be released later this year. Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the announcement

Research shows that teachers are the single most important school-based determinant for student achievement. 

However, in many places around the world children do not have access to high-quality teachers. This is not the fault of the teachers themselves, but the result of system-level policies that do not appropriately recruit, prepare, manage, support and motivate teachers. This has only been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which has forced teachers to adopt new skills, knowledge, and technologies at an unprecedented rate. 

The Teachers for a Changing World Spotlight was created as a response to this growing need for scalable solutions to teacher professional development. 

HundrED Spotlights create a unique opportunity for organizations to gain a thorough insight into education innovations around the world. These innovations can originate within a certain geographic region, like the Asia-Pacific Region or the United States; or around a specific theme in education, such as parental engagement - or in this case teacher professional development

We received 435 innovation applications for the Teachers for a Changing World Spotlight - our most ever! 

This was our most ambitious multi-lingual Spotlight project, with applications accepted in 5 languages: Arabic, English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. We hoped that by accepting solutions in 5 different languages we would be able to get a better understanding of the types of solutions being implemented in a number of contexts. However, applications were heavily weighted with English submissions comprising 76.1% of total submissions. Although, we did receive submissions in Spanish (14.5%), Arabic (5.6%), Portuguese (2.7%), and French (1.1%) respectively. 

While the majority of the submissions were in English we did see a good geographic spread in the continent of origin for the submissions. 

 Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 17.14.01.png

We learned a lot from the process and hope to continue breaking down language barriers and expanding our knowledge base. 

One of the reasons for the increased number of submissions we received for this Spotlight was the interactive workshop we hosted in late February on Transforming Teacher Professional Development through Technology. The workshop brought together a diverse group of over 160 education stakeholders from around the world and featured a keynote from Senior Education Specialist at the World Bank, Cristóbal Cobo. During the workshop, participants were encouraged to share their experience with teacher professional development both the challenges and potential solutions. 

Selected Innovations for this Spotlight will be announced later this year. 

The project contributes to the World Bank Group’s goal of eliminating Learning Poverty and HundrED’s mission of helping every child to flourish in life.  

HundrED and the World Bank believe that teachers are at the heart of education and foundational in preparing students for a world where they must collaborate with others, adapt quickly to change, and where success will hinge on attitudes and behavior as well as knowledge. We hope that the results of this Spotlight contribute to identifying and spreading scalable approaches to in-service teacher professional development, which is required in order to achieve inclusive and equitable quality education for all by 2030. 

What happens next?

In the next phase of the process, innovations will be reviewed based on impact and scalability by HundrED’s Research Team, the World Bank Group, and an Advisory Board. The deep insights gained through this Spotlight will then be shared with the world in the form of a report, which will be released later this year. Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified when the report is released.

Learn more about the Teachers for a Changing World Spotlight 
