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The Happiness Lesson Integrated Programmes

The World is Better with You!

The Happiness Lessons introduce mental health and positive psychology, especially strategies for increasing the subjective well-being in school education through teacher training and a strategically developed 10 months annual programme. 7500+ educators and 1500+ institutions have incorporated the Happiness Lessons into their work engaging 150.000+ children and teens between 3 and 20 years olds.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

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Target group
August 2024
“The Happiness Lesson is an age-specific school programme that provides practical and theoretical knowledge based on personal experience to help individuals achieve total well-being.” The Positive Psychology Research Centre at ELTE University assessed the impact of the Programme in 2016, and found it effective for building safer and more loving environments for kids to better engage in learning.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Our mission is to complement the teaching of lexical knowledge with the teaching of well-being in schools. Our main goal is to support the well-being of children, teens and teachers in a strategic and scientific way, to strengthen the ability to be happy through the development of individual and social skills, to actively cope with stress, and to create a strength-focused institutional culture.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Happiness Lesson Integrated Programmes consist of 4 different annual programmes, each of them offering a different direction to well-being interventions.
Schools join the 'Happy Institutions' Network, their teachers train with us, thus incorporate playful and artistic exercises regularly.
1. Happiness Lesson Basics: Savoring life joys, strategies for positive assurance, mindset and positive relationships in the classroom and beyond (based on Sonja Lyubomirski's and Barbara Fredricksons' findings),
2. Character Strengths for kids and teens (based on Martin Seligman's and Peter Peterson's Character Strengths findings for flourishing and successful life),
3. Self-confidence building activities for kids and teens (based on the practitioners' community's measured needs, developed by the foundation recently, including the Growth Mindset),
4. Mindfulness skills for kids and teens (Coping with feelings and emotions + self-compassion).

How has it been spreading?

The Happiness Lessons were first introduced in 2014, and since than 1500+ institutions have joined the Network. Among them there are kindergartens (35%), primary schools (35%), secondary schools (20%), Special needs institutions (Special Education, Foster Homes, Extracurricular Study or Arts schools, Mental health support social programmes for minors) (10%). The practitioner community has grown to 7500+ educators, reaching out to 150000+ children and young people in 8 countries. We established a network of “Happiness Lesson ambassadors": 30+ educators and 25 students who live in different regions and burst high community activity, and 10 celebrities who support our mission. Scholars and research groups at different universities study the programme and support validation&impact assessment.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Interested education professionals can join the Network though training with us or applying for the 'Happy Institution' title. We often invite professionals for workshops, conferences, speeches, or other events to explore why nurturing well-being in schools is an effective way to build better relationships with children, thus engage students better in learning. We are open for collaborations.


VIDEO 10th Anniversary of the Happiness Lessons Watch what students, teachers and parents said about the programme for its' 10th birthday in 2024!
About us in ENGLISH
HAPPINESS EDUCATION Our English website offers more insight into the 'Science of happiness' and why it is useful for Education.
STUDENT VOICES Happiness Lesson Student-Ambassadors support smaller kids in better inclusion, visit elderly people and create fun activities with them, or take care of school decorations emphasizing positive institutional climate. They also contribute the school radio and school journal activities with Positive playlists, news and campaigns.
FEEDBACKS COLLECTION Browse the 53.000+ uploads from Happiness Lesson groups' and classes on our website! There are narrative reports, images and videos, feedbacks from kids, students, teachers and parents about their engagement and the benefits of the Programme.
VIDEO For the Earth Day (22 April) 110,000 people sang together a song for sustainability in 2017, including the Happiness Lesson Network-member pre-schools and schools and since than the day has been celebrated with Bella Bagdi's song all around the Education Institutions.
TEACHER VOICES Meet the Happiness Lesson Educator Ambassadors of various age groups, who burst community activity in different regions, organize flashmobs, do open workshops, run parents' clubs, mentor new practitioners, host open lessons, organize big events or write articles about the impact of the programme in their communities.
ARTICLE Celebration of the "International Happiness Day" on the 20th of March 2024 by the Happiness Lesson Network-member 1500+ pre-schools and schools, also involving local communities.
10,000 children sang for happiness
PLAYLIST Authentic songs about the 24 Character Strengths for 3-10 years old children to learn about their own strengths. By supporting children to understand their strengths, we help them to recognise how they can apply these strengths to different areas of life. The songs are collected in this youtube playlist:
Happiness Lesson | Educational Tools Portal
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Implementation steps

Train with us!
Get to know our training programmes and choose the one that best fits your character or the needs of your groups. Our training programmes are 30 hours-long and include theoretical knowledge of related Research (20%), practical exercises, games and try-outs (60%) and self-reflective tools (20%).
1. Happiness Lessons Basics: Increasing positivity level
2. Character Strengths: Flourish and success
3. Self-confidence building activities & growth mindset
4. Mindfulness and self-compassion programme
Join the Network with your Institution!
Become a member of the "Happiness Lesson" Network. Involve supporters from your community and add to you pedagogical programme how you are planning to incorporate Positive Psychology topics, and ask for parents' declaration of support.
You may ask yourself the following questions:
- what are the needs of your students?
- how developed is the happiness skill in your groups?
- how much time and how often can you dedicate for the practical development of the Happiness Skill in and with your group?
Download the Happiness Lesson Resources!
We publish teaching materials and resources for all 4 programmes:
- authentically created children songs
- group relaxation and meditation audios
- psychodynamic activities
- collection of games and exercises
- creative project ideas
- interactive stories and tales
- ideas for reflection
- ideas for parents&families
Our resources are created for 4 age groups:
- 3-6 years old children
- 6-10 years old pupils
- 10-14 years old students
- 14-20 years old young people
+ 1 Special Needs groups
Plan the Happiness Lessons!
We offer ready-to-use annual structures and lesson plans that teachers can apply according to the needs of their groups and their possiblities and schedules.
In other cases educators can rely on the shared resources for specific interventions, such as conflict resolution, group building, stress release, reflection on an event, an unexpected life situation or challenge.
Carry out the Happiness Lessons!
As according to your plans in the pedagogical programme, dedicate daily, weekly or monthly time-slots to introduce Happiness Lesson Activities to your chosen groups.
You may structure the activity as such:
1. Group relaxation
2. Warm up game
3. Introduction of the chosen topic through a more complex exercise, story, art form, or experience
4. Debriefing of the experience
5. Reflection on learning and setting new goals
6. Possibilities of sharing a question, thought or message beyond the group
Share your experience with other practitioners of the Network!
After carrying out your daily/weekly/monthly Happiness Lesson(s), upload a brief report to our website with a few photos or videos. Include what was you aim, what did you do, what was extraordinary and how the children/students responded.
Browse others' experiences!
Join the 3-weekly online Club event and tell us about your experience, inspire others and ask your questions.
Join the facebook group (closed community) to see what's new in the practitioners community!
Know your options!
If you are stuck in planning, or have a dilema you can always:
- go back to your trainer and ask for support,
- browse the Happiness Lesson mentors and ask for advice from a practitioner who works with the same age group as you do,
- browse our publications and blogs,
- get in touch with the innovators for new ideas or to learn about past experiences.
Involve your colleagues and local community!
New things may be scary for some people, this is why it's useful to take a step by step approach.
1. A 'Happy Institution' is stronger when more teachers are involved in the programme and support each other. Make your results visible for your colleagues and see who feels ready to join!
2. Collaborate with colleagues when doing activities in non-formal settings such as school trips, celebrations or public events.
3. Celebrate international world days of well-being with flashmobs, community events
Why to choose the Happiness Lesson Basics Programme for Increasing Positivity in your groups?
Based on Lyubomirsky's and Fredrickson's findings. It has been academically validated by The Positive Psychology Research Centre at ELTE University. Feedbacks confirm that "it helps to construct supportive and loving communities where individual needs are respected, and inspire teachers to constantly develop authentic practices to respond to their students' emotional needs. Students & teachers, practicing month by month learn to care about their own mental health and their environment."
Why to choose the Character Strengths Programme for exploring the kids' best personal potentials?
Running since 2020, this programme facilitates a strengths-focused approach to life (based on M. Seligman's and C. Peterson's findings) and reinforces affirmative communication in pedagogical situations. The education resources are based on the 24 character strengths of the VIA institute. Feedbacks confirms that it is "effective for discovering paths for personality flourishing focusing on individual character strengths and learning to use them in new ways, thus experiencing success."
Why to choose the Self-confidence Building Programme for strenghtening the growth mindset?
This module was created based on the Needs Assesment of the Happiness Lesson-teachers, and their view what was most crucial to tackle in Education after the pandemia: Self-confidence. It is the belief in our own skills, abilities and judgement; a belief that supports us to successfully face everyday challenges. In this 10-month, school-year programme, children and young people, with the help of a teacher, consciously work month by month on developing self-confidence and the growth mindset.
Why to choose the Mindfulness and self-compassion Programme for teaching coping mechanisms?
According to contemporary Research, for kids meeting academic and societal expectations, and developing abilities to cope with challenges has become more difficult after the pandemia. Many of today's students face challenges that affect their ability to focus attention, regulate difficult emotions, build internal resilience and form healthy relationships. The Annual Programme offers practical exercises, Mindfulness techniques and professional guidance for coping and practicing self-compassion.

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