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Sapieduca (Sapientia)

The power of gameplay and formative assesment to boost teaching and learning.

Gamified application that allows the students to get involved in subject challenges, questions and problem solving, improving the learning process as a playful and engaging activity. It is a tool for formative assessment for teachers, which offers a simple and customisable metrics, scores and tracks from students, to increase qualified teaching, learning and self-regulation strategies.
HundrED 2024




Students basic
Target group
September 2023
1.5K 2024
Change Education with classroom gameplay that provides collaborative engagement, an easy portfolio and fun assessment.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Sapientia was born from the need of public school teachers to overcome the challenges of keeping students engaged and enhancing FA. The solution gave rise to a platform that enables to: set out student personal projects; obtain performance metrics; check the progression of studies; promote classroom gameplay and launch challenges aligned with the Brazilian National Common Core Curriculum (BNCC).

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In Sapientia, formative assessment is developed through: (1) Setting out student personal projects: with information about their personal life project. Teachers can know the student's details and design personalised activities. (2) Getting performance metrics: allowing the teacher to “quantify” and “qualitatively analyse” students’ action. (3) Checking the history and the progression of studies through the registration and monitoring of pedagogical actions. This data can be accessed by the teacher, student and parents.

Sapientia also includes some gamification functions such as: (1) Gameplay of classroom: As the scoring is recorded in the system, a ranking of the TOP 7 (top seven students in the class) is created as a reward, motivating students by achieving medals and the possibility of defeating a master of knowledge. (2) Challenges: the system allows the teacher to launch challenges, which are associated with the BNCC skills codes and training itineraries.

How has it been spreading?

It has already been used in tests and validations in schools from Esperança city, state of Paraíba (Brazil). Teachers from Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Portuguese Language, Art, History and Biology have participated throughout the years of 2019 and 2020. During the Covid-19 Pandemic, the tool proved to be effective, which also revealed the full potential of the platform in remote learning too. It has currently been used by over 100 teachers and over 1500 students. New features are being prepared, with plans to scale for 50k teachers in 2025 worldwide.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Download the app for Android or subscribe our web platform to make a try. Contact us:

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

Sapientia combines data analytics with gamification to create a platform that engages students in the social and developmental aspects of learning. The student can set their own goals, a key aspect of formative assessment. Sapientia allows students to see their progress and interact with their peers in competitive-collaborative dynamics, and gives teachers real-time data on students' progress.

HundrED Academy/Advisory Board Reviews

It was created to address a real-world problem, help teachers keep students engaged, and enhance formative assessment. It has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of students and teachers.

The innovation is scalable. It can work multiple contexts and can be easily integrated into the prevailing education system. It will also create an avenue where students can interact and learn from each other.

- Academy/Advisory Board member
Academy/Advisory review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Contact US
Just contact us and we can answer and explain the easy way to implement our innovation.

Spread of the innovation

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