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On Fire!

Leadership training for developing school practices

On Fire! leadership training teaches the skills needed to develop effective school practices. Using a variety of methods, participants address important challenges in education such as changes in society, challenges related to communication and understanding the developing role of digitalization.
Finland 100


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Finland 100

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March 2017
Encouraging and motivating the school community can result in great innovations and people finding their true potential.

About the innovation

What is the On Fire! Leadership Programme?

School leadership needs a new, sustainable approach to meet the demands of a rapidly changingsociety and the shift in schools towardsnew learning methods and goals. Leadership must focus on involving all members of the community in decision making, as well asusing digital tools skillfully and purposefully.

More and more, learning is focused oncreativity and developing problem solving, critical thinking, and social skills. School leadership must take the first steps in changing schools to help students learn these vital skills.

The On Fire! leadership training is based on the new Finnish curriculum and therefore strives to involve participants and respect their skills and knowledge. The training aims to help participants develop their school’s practices, look at change in society, answer challenges in communication and understand the continuously developing role of digitalization in education.

The aim is to train school leadership to promote pedagogy based on the new Finnish curriculum and to develop and leadcreative practices. The training alsogives leadersthe skills to take advantage of opportunities provided by digitalization in their own learning, leadership and development work.

A particular goal of the programmeisto strengthen the group’s professional self-confidence, realizing the value of a learning community and their leadership identity. The training also focuses on producing new information, ideas and innovations.

The On Fire! training is comprised of contact, virtual and distance working periods. During contact work, trainees participate in discussions, complete exercises andlisten to specialists discusstopics relating tochange in society. During virtual work, trainees work on developing their own learning and their school’s practices, while distance work allowstrainees to reflect on and evaluate their progress, either individually or throughpeer evaluation within the training group.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability


This training is tailored for school leadership to help them adapt to the changing world.


Develops participants’ leadership skills and promotes school development.


The skills gained in training can be applied to many kinds of education systems.

Implementation steps

Introduction to the training
The Creative Fire model is the foundation of On Fire! training and depicts the various factors that affect leadership.

The Creative Fire model has been developed by lead trainer of On Fire! Anna-Mari Jaatinen. She visualized the model based on her own experience in school leadership and development.

Read more about the On Fire! Training and Creative Fire model here.

The logs for the Creative Fire model are values, leadership, a learning community, creative curriculum and assessment, and digitalization. The focus is on networking skills and a comprehensive view on learning.

During training, these elements are studied and tailored to give a spark to your own work. This enables participants to build their own creative school practices.

Get in touch
Contact Anna-Mari Jaatinen to agree on a date for a presentation of the training, the participation fees, and other preparations.

You can send an email to the followingaddress:

Assemble a training group
Before the presentation, plan how you will gather people who are interested in attending.The presentation

The presentation is given to a larger group from which a 15–25 person training group is chosen. Give an open invitation to as many people as possible who areinterested in attending.

You will be given an invitation template when booking the presentation. Once you have an idea of how many are attending, you can sendthe attendance information to the trainer as soon as possible.

Committing to the training

A week after the training, the client and organizer of the training must receive registrations. You will receive further details for registration during the presentation.

The training can be organized for the whole school staff or part of the staff such as the school leadership, or participants can even come from different schools!If you are interested in attending as an individual, call On Fire! to get information of possible future dates.

Practical arrangements
Decide on the dates, classrooms and training equipment for the contact work days.

The training uses Finnpeda’s Virtual Space learning platform and its purpose-built On Fire! communal room and leadership room. The room is used for training, communication,saving work and as a spaceto visually document one’s own leadership and vision.

The course usually takes aroundone and a halfyears to complete, with the training aspect comprising one school year and the independent work and observation taking place during the following one.

Days used for training

  • 5 contact days, with an additional5–10 days for online work

  • 2 observation days, with an additional 2–4 days for online work

  • Laptop, iPhone/iPad

Applications and digital tools used during training:

  • iMovie

  • Todays meet

  • Answergarden

  • Padlet

  • QR-codes

  • Poplet

  • Google Drive or One Drive

  • ClanEd

  • PowerPoint

  • Prezi

  • Seppo

  • Minecraft

Agree a contract
Once you have agreed on the details, a contract for the training unit is drafted. You can ask for any possible special arrangements while the agreement is drafted.
Want to become a trainer?
Upon completion of the five contact days, participants can undertake study to become an On Fire! trainer.

More information about becoming a trainer will be available during the contact days. Applications are sent to Anna-Mari Jaatinen and the On Fire! trainers are chosen via an interview process.

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