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Life Lab Science Program

Since 2013, Life-Lab makes science fun and engaging for underprivileged children studying in Government schools across India.

Life-Lab has mastered the development of child-centred self-learning play-based learning materials based on comic characters ‘Gappu & Bobo(™)’. The products and visual content are for learners in the age group 5 to 15, which drives student inquiry, fosters experimentation & social interaction to enable them to become active participatory citizens in the society having 21st-century skills.


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April 2020
Scientific Literacy must be seen as an essential element of life for the full realization of a human being to cultivate the mindset of ‘SCIENCE AS AN ATTITUDE’

About the innovation

A child can learn in a Million ways!

What does Life-Lab do?

We use a unique approach of blending storytelling with science concepts to create an environment for each child to thrive on their imagination!

Why we do it?

Academics and Socio-Emotional Learning have often been seen as two different aspects of a Child’s Developmental Growth. However, several research publications have shown proven correlations between Academic Intellect, with Social & Emotional Intelligences. The objective of developing Animated Videos and Science Graphic Novels is to marry Science with real-life stories in engaging & visual storytelling that can act as a tool to have effective communication between Adults (Parents, Teachers) & Children.

How we do it?

At Life-Lab, we have created interactive modules for children and teachers to learn science by doing activities in the classrooms.

Over the past 8 years, we have used various pedagogical experiments to study the impact of inputs like Science-based DIY Activities, Musical Animated Videos and Graphical Novels and capture parameters like Fun, Engagement, Learning outcomes, Problem-solving and creativity using the various tools we have created.

We use new, innovative and disruptive methods to impact children across the underprivileged communities of India, inspire them to take STEM careers and become STEM Superheroes! To achieve this ambitious goal, we developed 2 majorly successful avenues which have seen an overwhelming response from corporate donors and beneficiaries.

1. Graphic Novels - The "Gappu & Bobo" Series

Stories have the power to transform lives & influence behaviours. Imagine the magical experience a child goes through when activity-based science learning blends with engaging stories to build a strong foundation for inculcating science literacy, & nurtures Social-Emotional learning aspects like mindfulness, self-management, self-awareness. Our Pilot studies with more than 2500 children across the country for age group 6 & above have revealed,in children, significant likeability & engagement towards science learning; & enhanced creativity, imagination & problem-solving. Further, Teachers & Edu-leaders have observed children demonstrating feelings of sharing, caring, helping & understanding towards their friends.

The novel "Gappu & Bobo" is designed keeping minimum reading & comprehension levels of children to inspire & encourage them to read the story & then by referring to the appendix, explore, create & perform science experiments.

A sample is available for download at The full version of the novel is of 145 pages having 15 do-it-yourself science experiments.

This book has already been distributed to over 15,000 students across India with the support of leading Corporate foundations in India. "Gappu & Bobo" is Life-Lab's 1st product to be introduced to the Ministry of Education in Kabul, Afganistan for their schools. The education minister personally said that she was very impressed with such an innovative way to introduce science to children which is easy and approachable.

Drawing from the success of the 1st book, in 2019 Life-Lab launched a sequel "Finding Bobo" and "Song of the Bees" is currently working on completing 3 more books. We plan on finishing the project of 6 books by the end of 2020.

2. 35 Musical Animated Videos

India is a country with over 122 major languages with over 1500 dialects. We celebrate this diversity in many ways with the culturally and regionally rich heritage. But this also poses a major challenge when any content needs to be scaled across the country to impact children who are not accustomed to the official languages. Identifying this need, Life-Lab embarked on a one of a kind project to create musical animated videos which are able to use real-life situations to teach science.

The Gappu & Bobo videos project was started 2.5 years back with Science-based Comic Books followed by language-agnostic Gappu & Bobo Animated Musical Videos.

So far, the Gappu & Bobo Videos YouTube channel has garnered more than 1 Lakh views. It has been widely covered by national newspapers Hindu, Times of India on their National Editions.

The Comic Books & Videos have been vetted by 3 State Governments for age & grade-level appropriate content which is in sync with state curriculum of science: State Council for Educational Research and Training of Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Directorate of Education Govt of Delhi NCT. It is currently being used by thousands of educators through Diksha App, in Chhattisgarh & Maharashtra.

Our Future Goals!

As the world deal with the COVID 19 pandemic, the Indian education system is witnessing an overwhelming need to revise its model of education among educators and children.

Life-Lab aims to develop a play and story-based learning app to help children (aged 5 to 15 yrs) accomplish their learning level, based on the existing curriculum, to create joyful and meaningful learning experiences. Using a blended approach of quantitative and qualitative evaluation, we aim to create a tech-enabled self-learning platform 'Gappu & Bobo(™)' (Sample video- for children from underserved communities of urban poor and rural parts of India.

With the aim to promote scientific temperament and foster 21st-century skills in children, the app will provide high-quality education across academic disciplines such as science, math and language, through stories, animated musical videos, games and quizzes, for free allowing them to share their innovative solutions and participate in the 21st century.

Life-Lab's Gappu & Bobo App will create a new way of learning science, where children will be inspired to be Science Superheroes like Gappu and Bobo. We aim to impact children through this app and scale to 1 Million children by 2025.

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