Connected North’s objective is rooted in our belief in equitable access to education. The program aims to ensure that students in remote communities have access to the same opportunities and experiences as students elsewhere in Canada.
Through videoconferencing, we provide live, interactive educational content that is engaging and innovative, with the goal of increasing feelings of empowerment in school and in life, improving outcomes for Indigenous students. Connected North is a dynamic model for experiential learning in remote classrooms, addressing the challenge of providing much-needed teacher and student support and resources.
Delivered in schools, in collaboration with a network of partners, Connected North offers three core content elements:
1. Expert sessions: Live, interactive and customized video sessions that connect participants to experts, role models, and educational institutions.
2. Future Pathways & Connected Classrooms: Connecting students to Indigenous role models, mentors, and leaders across the country to inspire pathways towards higher education and careers.
3. Capacity Building: Use of the collaborative technology for teacher professional learning and
mentorship opportunities.
We aim for thoughtful growth through a community based approach. There are over 600 First Nations schools in Canada, and we are exploring how to serve more remote, Indigenous communities in the country. Expanding school numbers is not all that matters: we also aim to grow the Connected North Session Menu of experts and have it equally balanced with Indigenous and non-Indigenous content; we work to support the capacity and resilience in schools to successfully deliver 21st century learning; and we will creatively support students with opportunities and programming customized to their culture, needs & interests.
In 2023-24, 96% of teachers reported that Connected North sessions helped to engage their students, contributing to their attendance in class and motivation for learning.
Reach out to and let us know how you can be involved!