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25.11.2022 | Jamie Lee & Crystal Green |

5 EdTech Innovations to Follow in 2023

The HundrED Global Collection highlights some of the most innovative and diverse uses of EdTech for learning and teaching, teacher professional development, education in emergencies, parental engagement, and students’ wellbeing.

Educational technology has changed dramatically over the past fifteen years and accelerated exponentially over the past three years. According to Head of Research at HundrED, Crystal Green, EdTech has changed how we think about when and where students learn. It has made new modes of connection between students, teachers and parents possible. It has also allowed for new and different kinds of data to be collected about students´ learning. 

The HundrED Global Collection highlights some of the most innovative and diverse uses of EdTech for learning and teaching, teacher professional development, education in emergencies, parental engagement, and students’ wellbeing. 

Here are 5 impactful and scalable EdTech Innovations to keep an eye on in 2023:

Both CoolThink@JC - Computational Thinking Education for All and Teachease recognize the importance of digital skills and provide resources to nurture students’ usage of technology.  CoolThink@JC introduces computational thinking education into schools in Hong Kong by providing a curriculum that covers up to 14 class hours in each academic year for 3 years. They combine this curriculum with teacher professional development, parent workshops, and an online learning platform, and aim to integrate computational thinking education into the formal curriculum. Teachease uses Finnish pedagogy, teaching materials and teacher training to provide a digital skills program for coding, robotics, and AI. Their teaching plan is tailored to the resources available at each school, and have spread their program to schools in Finland, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Africa, and Mexico. Also HITCH focuses on teachers' skills. They are a digital content curation platform based in Nigeria that allows teachers easily find and save open education resources and through these practical resources, transition into digital specialist.

Another trend is the use of gamification as an effective learning strategy. EIDU’s program uses learning games to increase academic outcomes of students in Kenya. Teachers have access to daily lesson plans via smartphone, and students have access to interactive exercises. Data collected from students' gameplay can then be used to guide policy and curriculum development. Similarly, MoneyTime uses gamification to teach about personal finances, making it more fun and interactive to develop financial literacy.

EdTech has changed how we think about when and where students learn. It has made new modes of connection between students, teachers and parents possible. 

Learn more about these 5 innovations using technology in education:

1. CoolThink@JC - Computational Thinking Education for All - Computational Thinking education programme aimed to mainstream CT education and nurture student’s proactive use of technologies for social good

2. EIDU - a unique program combines an open digital platform with structured pedagogy to improve academic development of students through learning games

3. HITCH - digital content curation platform that allows teachers to easily find and save open education resources 

4. MoneyTime - gamified financial literacy program 

5. Teachease - upskills teachers for teaching digital skills to K-12 students

To learn more about these innovations and many more, download the Global Collection 2023 Report.
