In 2006, Dr. Rana Dajani noticed that the children in her country don't like to read for fun. As a scientist, she researched the causes and found out that it was because they didn't have a role model. Research shows that the best way to make children read is through reading aloud to them. So she started reading aloud to children in her neighborhood to be the change she wants to see in the world.
We train adults and youth to hold read-aloud sessions for children in their neighborhoods. The training constitutes 1) the art of reading aloud 2) how to become a social entrepreneur and establish your own neighborhood library. The training can be held face to face, online, or through printed documents. WLR creates system change from the bottom up.
It is a community-driven evidence-based model where impact is measured through scientific research. We partner with top-notch universities to measure the impact of the program on children and adults. Research with Chicago university showed that reading to children stories about empathy for three months can increase their empathy levels considerably. Another research with Yale University showed that reading helps alleviate mental stress in both children and adult readers and helps build resilience. More research has been/ is being done and you can read more on this page:
Through conferences, social media outlets, building the organization profile on different platforms, and most importantly through word of mouth by paying it forward. To facilitate the spread of the program; online training in 11 languages is provided for free to individuals from around the world who wish to become WLR ambassadors. Our goal in the next two years is to reach all countries around the world. In addition, to create a virtual community where all ambassadors can share experiences and get connected with each other so Asma from Zatari camp can talk to Maria in Argentina.
If you are an individual you go directly to our training platform, register, and take the training. If you are a local NGO, contact us at so we can understand the context of implementation. If you serve a community with limited access to the internet we can send you documents that can be printed out and spread to whoever is interested in reading aloud.