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The PlayHub

place Rwanda

Play does not have to be expensive

The Playhub is leveraging local materials, skills and environments to build a community of educators, parents, policy makers , with a belief in the power of play to unleash children’s potential. The PlayHub partners with the public and private sector to ensure children have access to quality, inclusive, nurturing spaces and environments for optimum development.

HundrED 2023


HundrED has selected this innovation to

HundrED Global Collection 2023

HundrED 2022

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May 2021
"Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn."

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

There is worldwide consensus on the importance of play for children. Playful behavior has very powerful and positive effects on the brain. Despite the evidence, in Rwanda there is a significant absence and lack and of access to play. The organization is commited to increasing access to inclusive, Safe, responsive, and nurturing environments integral to supporting child development.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Playhub leverages local resources and skills to develop inclusive low cost playgrounds and environments, train teachers, parents and communities around use of play to ensure learning among chilren as well as advocate for increased access to stimualative and nutrturing environments.

How has it been spreading?

The PlayHub has been implemeting play projects since 2018 . The project has supported the development of more than 8 playgrounds including the largest in Mahama Burundian refugee camp hosting over 20000 children and one public model playspace in the city of Kigali, trained 250 teachers in the use of play for child development as well as hosting 3 play workshops to raise awareness around the benefits of play. With the award of a USADF grant, The PlayHub will be setting up a playground workshop Hub where; teachers and local technicians will continue to be trained and position itself as the playhub in Rwanda and the region. We have also partnered with strategic education organizations and the media to increase access to evidence based advocacy efforts as well as co-founding a play Network

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Understand the importance of play for child development, identify space in your community, research local materials to exploit for play, identify partners to support the development of play environments, adopt play designs to the context, train caregivers/parents, monitor use and safety, host play events, ensure its inclusive (girls, disabilities etc), engage children in design and creativity.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

The PlayHub is doing an amazing job creating safe learning environments for play. The PlayHub is also helping build a community of parents, educators, caregivers and leaders that believe in creative free play to unleash children’s potential. This initiative is highly scalable as it uses local, natural and sustainable materials.

HundrED Academy Reviews

Play is a universal need for any learner to thrive, grow and develop key skills. It uses community resources that are readily available which makes it easily adaptable in other areas.

Tailoring play and using it as a tool to foster learning is brilliant as all learners (regardless of age) love to play. What better way to learn by doing what you love! Creativity, critical thinking and interests are inspired by this innovation.

- Academy member
Academy review results
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