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place India + 9 more

Catalysing contextual innovations in government schools around the world for the whole child

Kizazi enables local leaders to design, implement and codify breakthrough school models. Our creative and collaborative methodology brings together students, educators, families and local government officials to co-create outcomes, curriculum and measurement systems for whole child development. Our multi-year partnerships create enduring shifts in culture, practice and systems in public schools.
HundrED 2025


HundrED has selected this innovation to

HundrED Global Collection 2025

Updated June 2024
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When the purpose and practice of education is a thriving life for every child, every child is enabled to discover their unique gift to the world. The process of education is one of restoring values and knowledge that have been lost and responding to the changing 21st century work and demands. Schools & communities collaborate for wellbeing and learning in service of children and the planet.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

1 billion children are in multidimensional poverty with compounded risk of conflict, climate crises and diseases. Prevailing education systems fail to respond to these adversities; and the solutions that exist, over-represent the west. We need fundamental innovation in the design of schools to centre on holistic development of children and integrate the local community for enduring change.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Enduring transformation is possible when the agenda for change is led and owned by communities and is supported by government institutions. A) We partner with a local NGO that understands the culture, context and values of the community and a regional or national government to work in public schools. B) We facilitate a community led design process and use mixed methods research to understand contextual needs and intersectional vulnerabilities with the local partner. C) The insights and vision inform the development of materials like student books, teacher guides, assessment tools and training manuals. D) In a phased manner, this is implemented with a holistic training and coaching approach for teachers and headteachers. E) Structures are created for the community to engage in the learning, governance and decision making of the school. F) A comprehensive evaluation system captures the change in process, perceptions and outcomes and facilitates continuous learning throughout the program.

How has it been spreading?

Reach:40,000+ children directly and 2.5 million children through government adoption in India, Sierra Leone, Armenia.
Impact: Sierra Leone, an external RCT evaluation found improvement in Maths and English in six months & we found a significant positive correlation between teacher wellbeing and student outcomes. Classroom observations and surveys across all our partner schools show increased safety, joy and engagement in learning.
Scale: 100,000+ teachers across Delhi & Punjab; +200 schools in conflict affected border regions of Armenia.
Expansion: 2 new states in India, Liberia & Nigeria
2028 goals: 125,000 children directly and 4 million children through government adoption. Expand to marginalised contexts of Sub-saharan Africa and South Asia. Share local evidence & public goods

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Kizazi would be happy to explore a partnership! Our school design program is a multi year process of change. Three unique examples:

a) Seroond Schools:
b) SEF schools:
c) NYAF schools:

Contact us at -

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

The innovation is impactful as it works on the ground reality, understanding the local context by partnering with local NGOs. Through this, a large community of underprivileged could be brought together to achieve the learning outcomes.

The innovation's scalability is evident in its regional expansion and integration with local and national systems. Its structured training and community engagement ensure sustainability and adaptability in diverse contexts.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process


Listening, truly listening to our children is the Kizazi way:
"In understanding this context, we understand what children carrying different identities need. This leads to discovering a contextually relevant purpose of education and outcomes with local communities that pursues a thriving life for every child."
SEF shares how their school model is contextually responsive for each child, :
NYAF-SL School Model
Seroond school shares how each child is cared for, seen and valued at school:
At SEF (Simple Education Foundation), home language learning is central to the school model:
A community led approach is central to the NYAF (National Youth Awareness Forum) school model in Sierra Leone:
The Seroond school (Armenia) model prioritises cultural tradition and identity
What if Schools are lively, creative, natural spaces of shared connection, exploration and creation that nurture and nourish everyone. This is an example of a vision for breakthrough schools written by Romana! We use this story telling process with partners to invite them to dream about a breakthrough school in their context.
Building the collective dream for Armenia: One school at a time
Nick Canning reflects on setting up Kizazi means for him:
How do we repurpose and reimagine education? What is the process?
The how and why of school model codification with African Leadership Academy.
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Implementation steps

Phase 1: Clarity: Re-define the purpose, philosophy and outcomes of education
A combination of a) experiential & arts based workshops b) interviews c) focus groups d) holistic assessments e) classroom observation followed by meaning making activities with the local partner are facilitated to inquire into a) how trauma shows up b) the values and traditions c) the needs of the context d) the most vulnerable child(ren). This leads to the articulation of a renewed purpose and philosophy of education as well as a framework for broader outcomes that are relevant in this contex
Phase 2: Culture: Nurture relationships that supports innovation and risk taking
A critical component for transformation is a culture of safety, trust and connection felt by students, educators and families. Towards this, school wide structures and practices for safety, care, ownership and celebration are introduced in this phase. Some of these structures include a) daily 30 min circle time b) fortnightly workshop for students c) school assemblies d) learning festivals.
Phase 3: Learning: Implement structures to support growth and development
Student and teacher material & assessments are introduced along with quarterly teacher training and ongoing coaching on a) the impact of trauma on learning, behaviour and development, b) active learning & inquiry pedagogy c) using evidence to personalise learning d) adapting curriculum materials to learners needs. Community led targeted support for a) inclusion b) empowerment b) life skills is launched. Monthly head teacher coaching on leadership and management is initiated.
Continuous improvement: Integrate mechanisms for learning and sharing
This is a process happening throughout the phases. A combination of observations, surveys, interviews, assessments, projects, self reflections are collected through the year. These combine to inform the student, teacher and school evaluation system. Review processes with teachers, community members and district supervisors build transparency, cultivate ownership and distribute the decision making process.

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