465 million children worldwide could not be reached through online learning during the pandemic and their education was severely disrupted. Lack of screen-free resources and limited parental supervision were added barriers. Existing learning options were often inaccessible and didactic. IFERB was created to ensure high-quality, relevant, engaging, and tech-free learning continuity amidst crisis.
IFERB features over 130+ week-long project-based learning resources, 100+ Math Games, 50+ activities for children with disabilities, 200+ Arabic storybooks, and 15+ month-long learning packages. It also hosts unique modules that cater to the educational and socioemotional needs of children from specific emergency contexts including Ukraine, Afghanistan and Palestine.
IFERB has catered to marginalized learners through a variety of ways and leverages community members to facilitate learning. IFERB is designed to be implemented through multiple modalities (including in-school, remote and blended learning) and in diverse use cases (including accelerated learning, emergency education etc.).
Partners select, translate, and implement the resources that are relevant to their context. EAA supports pilot projects through training, funding, and monitoring and evaluation support, and focuses on building the capacity of teachers, communities, and partner organizations to ensure sustainability.
IFERB has reached 4.2 million+ learners in 13+ countries through EAA's partnerships with over 30 organizations since 2020. 70% of our partners sustained the solution independently even after the pilot ended. To further support organizations in implementing IFERB, resources including training, M&E tools, and partner reports will be made available on the IFERB website. Since 2023, IFERB partnerships have focused on ensuring sustainability through government partnerships that will ensure that IFERB resources are made available on a wider scale.
All IFERB resources are open-source and can be downloaded free of cost from the EAA Innovation Development's site: www.resources.educationaboveall.org. To implement IFERB through partnerships or for access to additional tools and support, reach out to the Innovations Development Directorate at EAA via email: innovations@eaa.org.qa.