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The Daybook

Learning to write is hard. Quantity, not quality, leads to stamina and finding your writers voice.

Too often writing in primary/elementary schools is structured around good grammar and better spelling. Whole process development is rare and authentic learner agency almost non-existent. The gift of a 'daybook' and the challenge of writing one page per day, on any subject, in any style, is the innovation I've implemented for every class from grade 2 to grade 5 since I began teaching.


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Target group
August 2024
A recognition that good writing is hard. No writer will tell you that they write it once and get it right. Stamina leads to voice, leads to confidence, leads to drafting, leads to better writing.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

I don't think I did. I just implemented the innovation.
Writers know that you have to write.
Stamina, confidence, finding your voice, recognising the importance of drafting, re-reading your words are all tangled up in a process that from the beginning offers not just agency, but complete control to the learner.
If I make you write, what happens when I stop?
I stop writing.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

A blank exercise book.
A really great story. (Frog and Toad kills)
A discussion about writing while the whole sits on the carpet.
A chance to create your own cover.
15-20% - deep commitment (3 to 5 days a week)
15-20% - a fair crack ( 1-3 days per week)
15-20% - occasional (1-3 days per fortnight)
15-20% - scarce commitment (1-3 days a month)
the rest - rather be playing computer games ( 3-5 a semester)

How has it been spreading?

Students have found remarkable improvement and success in their writing.
From half a page to 2 pages in a 30 minute cold write over the course of a school year.
It spreads because when students find success, they keep doing.
There is no content available as yet because I'm using this application as an early draft of the idea and why I think it works.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Buy a blank exercise book.
Specify a time.
Time how long it takes you to fill a page.
You can write anything. Poo poo poo poo poo etc... is acceptable as a starting place. Five days a week is best. 3 days works just fine. Diary/story/poetry/transcribing a recording...just let your pen go.

Implementation steps

The Daybook
Buy a blank exercise book.
Specify a time.
Using a stopwatch time how long it takes you to fill a page. Write the time on the page.
You can write anything.
E.g.: Poo poo poo poo poo etc... is acceptable as a starting place.
Five days a week is best.
3 days works just fine.
Write anything. Get prompts from anywhere you like. Big questions from the day, and AI generator, anywhere.
Diary/story/poetry/transcribing a recording...just let your pen go.

Spread of the innovation

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