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Impulse Neiry

Mind-controlled educative VR games that boost academic performance in the most efficient way - with brain-computer interface

Impulse Neiry is a bundle of hardware and software - virtual reality headset with built-in brain-computer interface, VR-games for education and application to track students progress. Our in-house BCI reads brain impulses and translate them into actions in the game. That's literally mind-controlled games - students just need to concentrate on the objects in games to play. Yep, future is here!


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Target group
June 2020
23% improvement of concentration skill, 17% memory capacity boost and 20% raise of average grades - and all of that just after few sessions with Impulse Neiry

About the innovation

Future of edutainment is here

What we do?

Impulse Neiry switches education to innovation mode - with mind-controlled educative VR games. Our product not only boosts cognitive skills and helps with consolidating knowledge, but also improves grades and tracks engagement of the students.

Why we do it?

We believe every student deserves superb educational experience and to be immersed in getting knowledge at schools. Our product improves several cognitive skills and prepares students for tech-oriented future.

Check out our website to learn more about Impulse Neiry

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