With 1.8 billion young people globally aged 10 to 24, the digital world plays a huge role in how they learn and connect. Yet, they are also grappling with big global issues like climate change and poverty. That's why it's important to give them the tools to understand different perspectives, communicate their ideas, appreciate diversity, and take action for positive change.
That's where Generation Global comes in! We help young people find their voice in an increasingly interconnected world. We are the Tony Blair Institute’s education programme for young people ages 13 to 17 that equips them with the knowledge of global issues, life skills, and attitudes of open-mindedness to become active and engaged global citizens. We offer many educator and learner resources, these are:
Educator materials: A collection of downloadable free teaching materials, resources, skill building activities, and lesson plans to teach about specific global issues and topics inside or outside the classroom. These contemporary topics align well with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and include topics such as Wealth and Poverty, The Rights of Women and Girls, Climate Change, Human Trafficking, and many others.
Gamified global citizenship youth platform: The Ultimate Dialogue Adventure (UDA) is an immersive and fun online game for young people aged 13-17. Through the UDA, young people hone essential dialogue and communication skills, delve into over 16 global topics, and build intercultural connections with peers worldwide through written and live dialogue. The UDA is available as both an online platform and Mobile App. This gives young people the flexibility to receive real-time notifications, access content online, and engage even in low-bandwidth situations. It also aligns with Web Accessibility Initiative 2.1 guidelines, ensuring accessibility for individuals with disabilities.
Video conferencing: A standout feature of the programme is our 60-minute interactive online dialogues for young people on global issues facilitated by one of Generation Global’s trained experts. This is a real-time synchronous video dialogue that allows for direct face-to-face communication with global peers. It's a safe and inclusive online space where young people can interact, connect, and learn from peers around the world. In this way, video conferences allow young people to learn about different countries and cultures, compare values and experiences on today's most pressing global issues, boost self-confidence, and develop critical thinking skills.
Professional development and networking for educators: Our free online "Introduction to Dialogue" course equips both formal and non-formal educators with essential skills for fostering intercultural dialogue. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate and access to downloadable activities. Also, we offer in-person and online workshops, and hybrid training sessions to help educators integrate dialogue practices into their communities. Our educator meet-ups and webinars foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among educators.
By joining Generation Global, young people:
• Join a moderated international community of 60k young people, connecting with peers beyond the classroom.
• Share thoughts on important topics like education, women's rights, climate change, media literacy, and cultural diversity.
• Improve English language and communication skills through guided video conferences.
• Build confidence and empathy by interacting with others from diverse backgrounds.
• Experience gamified online learning, making education both fun and informative.
All our resources and tools are designed to support young people develop the five core skills of dialogue, which are:
• Global Communication: Authentically sharing personal stories and respecting diverse perspectives.
• Active Listening: Understanding and empathising with others' viewpoints.
• Critical Thinking: Analysing and interpreting information about self, others, and the world.
• Asking Questions: Encouraging deeper understanding, inclusion of all voices, and to move the dialogue forward.
• Reflection: Evaluating one's own and others' experiences of dialogue and its impact on personal development.
The programme aligns with established educational standards, including the Home Learning Approaches Framework and ISTE Student Standards, ensuring an immersive and enriching learning experience. Recognised as best practice by UNESCO, The Club de Madrid, National Council for Social Studies, and the Brookings Institution, our approach to global citizenship education has been implemented successfully in over 40 countries.