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Genazzano Institute of Learning and Brain Sciences (iLaBS)

iLaBS is about promoting an understanding of neuroscience in schools for better learning and teaching

iLaBS shares education about the brain to promote better teaching, learning and health. We offer: student classes on brain health and learning; teacher professional training in the translation of neuroscientific principles into practical classroom strategies; a global schools competition; and free resources and education for the wider community.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated September 2021




All students
Target group
When neuroscientific principles are applied skilfully in classrooms, we see learning transformed.

About the innovation

What is iLaBS?

What do we do?

Genazzano Institute of Learning and Brain Sciences, (iLaBS) aspires to be at the forefront of innovation in education and to provide educational opportunities about learning, brain function and health to students, teachers and the community for improved learning, teaching and living.

Why do we do it?

How does memory work? What is learning transfer? What are the most effective study methods? Advances in neuroscientific research and technology over recent decades have provided new insights into how the brain learns. The translation of research findings into evidence-based, practical strategies for improved learning in the classroom has the potential to transform education. This presents exciting possibilities and challenges for educators.

Implementation steps

Bringing Learning & Brain Science to School

This intervention can be as huge or simple as you make it. The first step is to do a little research and decide on your focus area and target groups.

WHY do you want to focus on neuroscience?

WHAT do you want your impact and outcomes to be?

WHO is the focus of the intervention/ program?

A great place to start thinking about the significance of understanding how the brain learns is the work of the OECD/ CERI: Understanding the Brain: the Birth of a Learning Science New insights on learning through cognitive and brain science. Paris (2007) & Understanding the Brain – Towards a New Learning Science, OECD, Paris

  • Gather a group of interested peers, community members or students.

  • Consider your theme/topic: Are you interested in understanding learning from a neuroscientific point of view? Are you more interested in brain health, neurodiversity, brain games or another aspect of neurology?

  • Consider your approach: Do you want to start with a community event? Do you want to implement a professional learning program for teachers? Are you interested in student activities?

It might be a good idea to start with one area, group or focus and branch out. Resources and ideas are provided for working with students, teachers or the community.

Learning & Brain: Professional Learning Focus

The 'Science of Learning' is an exciting field. It is about bridging the gap between the research lab and the classroom. The idea is that if neuroscientific principles are accessible for teachers, teachers can apply their expertise to translate the ideas into practical strategies that are appropriate for their own students in their own classroom context. The learning principles are applicable for any age student and any subject area.


  • Organise sessions for professional learning based on topics such as 'Enhancing Memory,' 'Busting Neuro-Myths,' 'Neurodiversity' or 'Engagement & Motivation'

  • Engage speaker or use available resources such as those listed below or others such as Ted Talks / videos/ books

  • Take turns in researching and sharing knowledge within the team

  • Choose a recent research article and discuss with colleagues over lunch


The Science of Learning Research Centre has produced some fabulous resources for educators - the 12 Principles of Psychology, Education and Neuroscience (PEN Principles)

Dr Jared Cooney Horvath, (neuroscientist, author and educator) has produced great resources including a book 'Stop Talking, Start Influencing' and short course. See his Learning Made Easy website and youtube channel for more.

Nature Partner Journal Science of Learning

Further resources for teachers:

Learning & Brain: Student Engagement

There are many opportunities and resources to teach students about brain function and health. Learning about the bran can be embedded into existing subject areas or topics e.g. science, health, psychology, physical education etc. Other ways learning may be offered is through co-curricular, student activity groups such as SRC or science clubs, or offered as special or one- off events.

Interesting topics might include:

  • Understanding how the brain learns/ best brain tips for study

  • All brains area different - a positive approach to neurodiversity

  • impact of addiction on the brain

  • learning about brain diseases

  • exploring benefits of exercise on the brain

  • mental health issues

  • brain foods/ gut brain health


  • Start a 'Brain Science Club'. Activities could vary depending on the age of students. Examples - undertake school based surveys to find out what students and teachers think about aspects of learning and teaching; watch educational video clips on the brain; Try out some fun brain games

  • Create your own competition to engage students in learning about the brain (or see below)

  • Celebrate neurodiversity by signing your school up to Neurodiversity Celebration Week

  • Read a book about the brain and discuss (Try 'Some Brains' by Nelly Thomas)

  • Draw your brain. Why is it amazing?

  • Learn the name and function of parts of the brain

Great Resources:

Boost Your Study- from the Queensland Brain Institute

Neuroscience for Kids

Neurodiversity Celebration Week

Brain Games TV Series

Competitions: Brain Bee, Explain the Brain,

IYNA - International Youth Neuro

Genazzano Institute

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