Chrysalis Montessori established with a profound commitment to providing a nurturing environment for young children. My quest for a secure and supportive space for my own child led me to create a place where children could explore freely while having their grown-ups as a safe anchor. The project gradually brought in focus the need for community for new parents and their need to reflect deeper.
My latest project's duration is of 3 months which includes 12 play sessions and 4 parent workshops. The play session include both parents and children. During this time the children are given the freedom to explore the environment freely whilst the parents are encouraged to observe their children and guides and help their children when needed. The parents are given a specifically designed interactive parent notebook, with useful information and space dedicated to observation and own reflections. The observations have a specific theme in order for them to familiarise with certain concept.
The parent workshops are designed to deepen both concepts presented in the booklets after they have used them and to create a stronger sense of community and shared mission.
This programme serves 8 families in a term to provide tailored support.
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