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Chrysalis Montessori

Connecting Through Play

Chrysalis Montessori is a unique Montessori inspired Parent(Or Primary Carer) and Child Playgroup that has at its centre the relationship between primary carers and their children. It provides parents with tailored guidance, informed by Montessori philosophy supported by early years relevant research, to refine their observational skills in order to meet their child's needs.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated July 2024
Web presence




Target group
Stronger partnerships with parents and stronger learning communities that develop outside the educational setting.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Chrysalis Montessori established with a profound commitment to providing a nurturing environment for young children. My quest for a secure and supportive space for my own child led me to create a place where children could explore freely while having their grown-ups as a safe anchor. The project gradually brought in focus the need for community for new parents and their need to reflect deeper.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

My latest project's duration is of 3 months which includes 12 play sessions and 4 parent workshops. The play session include both parents and children. During this time the children are given the freedom to explore the environment freely whilst the parents are encouraged to observe their children and guides and help their children when needed. The parents are given a specifically designed interactive parent notebook, with useful information and space dedicated to observation and own reflections. The observations have a specific theme in order for them to familiarise with certain concept.
The parent workshops are designed to deepen both concepts presented in the booklets after they have used them and to create a stronger sense of community and shared mission.

How has it been spreading?

This programme serves 8 families in a term to provide tailored support.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

email at of visit

Implementation steps

Preparation of the environment
The environment that needs to be prepared for this kind of project has to be inclusive of both children and adults.
In my case, the children are mainly under 3 so, low shelves, ample space for movement, carpeted floor and natural, inviting materials, displayed in an orderly manner.
The space has to be sufficient for the adults as well and we must consider a reasonable seating option, such as cushions and comfortable adult chairs.
Spiritual preparation
When developing a programme like this, we need to approach families with a non-judgemental attitude and consider every parent where they are in their journey. It is amazing how far they can get with the right support and how much they can empower their children through their transformation. Allow time for their process and respect everyone's rhythm.
Community Building
The parent workshops are fantastic opportunities for parents to bring their insights and issues forth. have a loose structure to these meetings making sure you allow enough time for them to choose their topics too. Decide when you are going to bring things in, at the beginning or end and hold space for the community to take shape.