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Maths Pathway

Maths Pathway is a Learning and Teaching Model that is doubling the rate that students learn maths.

Maths Pathway is a holistic Learning and Teaching Model that leverages technology to enable teachers to target each student’s point of need, and allows them to focus on practices that have the greatest impact on student learning. The model is currently available for Year 5 – Year 10 students, and has proven success in a broad range of school contexts.
Spotlight 2021


Updated April 2022
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All students
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I feel strongly that something like the Maths Pathway diagnostic, which assesses every single progression point and gives you a mark for each progression point is a much better way of deciding where someone is on a continuum, than 30 questions adaptively on an on-demand test, or 40 questions over an hour in NAPLAN. So personally, I feel that the Maths Pathway data is better than anything we’ve had before, and if we’re given a tool that’s better than anything we’ve had before, then we should use it.

About the innovation

Creating The Maths Pathway

The Maths Pathway Learning and Teaching Model is an approach to structuring, teaching and learning mathematics.

Structuring: Each school term is typically structured to include four fortnightly learning cycles — each of which contains at least one whole class rich lesson — and a week-long rich project. Within each learning cycle different students are learning different mathematics, both individually, and in small teacher-led groups. Learning cycles conclude with a formative assessment that identifies which parts of the learning cycle’s objectives have been achieved, and which are yet to be achieved. Preparation for the next learning cycle forms an important bridge, and includes student-led reflection, teacher feedback and goal-setting, along with an update to the student’s learning profile based on data from the formative assessment.

Teaching: Teachers have access to student data, which informs how they can support student learning, and provide targeted instruction. The data provides visibility of what students are learning, what they can work on next, and automatically groups students who are ready to learn new concepts together. Teachers can then, for example, use this data to run small group tasks targeted to the needs of a specific set of students.

Learning: In addition to helping students develop their mathematical competencies, Maths Pathway strives to help students become good learners. The model is structured to provide opportunities for students to develop soft skills such as collaboration, self regulation, creative problem solving, the ability to work to deadlines, and organisation. Discourse between students gives them the opportunity to articulate their mathematical ideas, challenge the thinking and logic of peers, and understand mathematics from another person’s point-of-view. A focus on independent learning, as well as consistent reflection and goal setting sessions, reinforces positive learning practices.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

Maths Pathway is an innovative learning and teaching model changing maths classrooms across Australia. It collects data on student performance to provide a personalised learning experience. Formative assessment is an important element in this process as it helps teachers adapt their practice and students monitor their own learning process and take ownership of their learning journey.

HundrED Advisory Board Reviews

Given adequate professional development for teachers, technical prerequisites, and an educational environment open for data oriented approaches, this innovation could be sustainably adopted to a high standard in a great variety of contexts.

The model has a clear path starting from teaching, followed by projects that are led by individual /pair/groups and followed by student-led reflection. In addition, keeping record of all these including formative assessment results as data is great.

- Advisory Board member
Advisory review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Initial Consultation

Our Partnership Speciallists will help you determine if the model will be successful in your school. They will discuss your school’s requirements and how to best manage the implementation process.

Visit to get in touch.

Professional development

Change leaders from your school undertake professional development to address how teachers, students and parents will manage the change. Our facilitators provide in-depth instruction and share a wealth of resources to ensure a successful roll out.


Start! Begin implementing the new learning model across a cohort of students in class, a one-term opt-out period is offered to ensure you’re confident with Maths Pathway.


Each year, that 1st cohort brings Maths Pathway up a level with them. This ensures a gradual transition that is smooth and easy. The Maths Pathway team is behind your school 100%.

How to Guide: Maths Pathway

An Overall How-To Guide: By HundrED Spotlight on Victoria

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