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3.3.2019 |

Meet The HundrED Team: Katija Aladin, Head of Community, HundrED

Get to know Katija, our Head of Community at HundrED.

Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi!  I’m Katija and I'm from Canada! 

I have experience working as a teacher in Canada, France and Finland.  My inspiration comes from the curiosity and creativity of children. The goal of creative learning should not be how to encourage creativity, rather how to foster it.  Innovation is a perfect platform to share and develop ideas to make learning more dynamic and fun for everyone.

As a researcher,  I studied teacher identity in a French immersion context.  I believe that a nurturing classroom environment begins with effective teacher support and a positive working environment. Feel free to reach out to me and discuss cool innovations that inspire you! 

Why do you want to work at HundrED?

I am so excited to be a part of the HundrED team because I am constantly inspired by the motivated and passionate people in the HundrED community. I believe in the mission to encourage creation, innovation and collective knowledge in education.  Highlighting the outstanding projects happening around the world is extremely beneficial to altering and improving the way we all view learning and teaching. It is my dream to contribute to a movement that highlights positive success stories on a global scale. 

Why should we change our schools?

Education should reflect the skills needed for the future and therefore change in schools is inevitable.  If schools are not meeting the demands of the future working environment, then we are doing a disservice to our students.  Change is exciting and allows us to reflect on what is benefitting our students and how we can improve.

Why is innovation in education crucial today?

Innovation is essential because it initiates space to find creative solutions and work towards quality education for all. Innovation allows for collaboration with a variety of students, teachers and educators across the world to share experiences and knowledge and provide fertile ground for synergy.  This coupled with the evolving new technologies make innovation in education exciting and dynamic. As a teacher, I have seen the amazing benefits that innovation brings to my students. I am interested in the practicalities of new innovations and how to help and inspire educators, teachers and students around the world.

Three HundrED innovations you love.

It’s hard to pick! If I had to choose, I would say…

Hello Ruby


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