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Instituto Transform Education

A place where we think and transform through education.

The Instituto Transform Education seeks to mitigate the educational mediocrity of adolescents and young people in Brazil, enhancing and providing opportunities in various educational areas. While we see data in Brazil and around the world that point to stagnation and decline in student learning, we seek to reverse these numbers by training our volunteers as leaders, already working in Brazil, Port


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Updated March 2025
Web presence




All students
Target group
With our initiatives, we seek to reverse the indicators that point to stagnation and/or decline in learning among adolescents and young people in Brazil and around the world, such as PISA, Ideb, Saeb, the essay of the National High School Exam, among other national and international indicators.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The Institute, created by six girls in 2022, was in an environment of growth and expansion of United Nations simulations. The year after, we saw many educational programs that wanted to make UN simulations more democratic. The main issue is that half of these projects gave up without a firm and constant purpose. Our goal in creating the Institute was to bring all educational areas together.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

In practice, we hold free online and in-person events, creating a network of transformative leaders throughout Brazil and the world, and we train young people so that our vision of reversing educational indices can be realized. UN simulations, workshops, free mentoring, among other programs, are innovative in a country where access to quality education is limited and monetized. We seek to directly reach students from public schools and young people who have dropped out of school in precarious situations, but who can somehow access the Internet, to benefit from our events. We train young people so that they can enter universities through free mentoring, we promote skills such as public speaking, communication, teamwork and rhetoric through UN simulations, and we create workshops that address topics such as studying abroad, business and social education, among others.

How has it been spreading?

Through the Internet and our presence in public and private schools through our volunteers, we seek to have volunteers all over the world so that our project can be trained to also provide opportunities to other students and young people, such as in Angola, Russia, Malta and Portugal.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You should follow us on our social media, whether Instagram, email marketing, our website, among others, and when there is an event for which you are eligible, register. We make sure to accept as many people as possible, embracing diversity and commitment to participation.

Implementation steps

Training and knowledge gain
Students learn about a specific educational area, customized to their unique potential, and train with us through mentoring, workshops, regional communities, opportunity promotion, among others.
Post-event follow-up
We follow students in our global, national and regional community, where we deliberate the next steps of action according to what they want to achieve. For example, a student who after one of our workshops on financial education and found himself in this area, we follow up with him to better understand which educational area he wants to impact and the needs of the community.
Community Transformational Leaders
We launch these leaders into areas of activity, such as schools, projects or national and international opportunities, such as exchanges, so that they can work directly in their specific field and engage other people in the same area and, perhaps, in the same field of activity. We monitor this impact and monitor the target audience to understand the changes after the event and what tangible and intangible transformation was made.

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