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The Skills Builder Partnership - Education

We work with our partners to help everyone build the eight essential skills for success...

Skills Builder Partnership is a global movement of employers, educators, and impact organisations working together to ensure that one day, everyone builds the essential skills to succeed. The Universal Framework is utilised by more than 800 partners across 20 countries, enabling skill development learning at all stages of life.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated April 2023
Web presence




Target group
It has never been more important to invest in building a set of essential skills in our young people: the ability to communicate effectively, to creatively solve problems, to manage oneself and to work well with others. We are committed to using the most cutting-edge techniques and innovation to create new, more rigorous ways to build essential skills for everyone, at every stage of their lives.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The Skills Builder Partnership works to ensure that one day, everyone builds the essential skills to succeed: teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, creativity, listening, speaking, aiming high, and staying positive. These are the skills that underpin social and emotional learning. However, there is still a gap - affecting academic, life and employment outcomes.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The Universal Framework underpins the education work of the Skills Builder Partnership. For educators, the Framework can be used to support learners to understand their existing skills, see what progress looks like, join the dots and capture success.

Tools like the Skills Builder Hub use the Framework to support educators to explicitly teach and assess the skills with learners of all ages. Programmes like our Global Accelerator support schools to embed the framework and principles through training and tools.

Membership for schools and colleges, non-profits and employers, brings multiple unique benefits; including the ability to structure skills development, initiate sustainable organisational change, access and contribute to best practice and create systemic change. To achieve our mission, we align skills-focused organisations, provide high-quality content and influence national and international policy, including in Kenya and Uganda.

How has it been spreading?

The Skills Builder Partnership unites over 800 education institutions, employers, and non-profits across 20 countries, providing 2.3 million opportunities to boost essential skills in 2022.

In 2022, the Partnership also launched the Global Networks team - focused on developing global best practice in essential skills with schools, colleges and impact-led organisations based outside the UK. The Global Accelerator for schools and Impact programme for organisations is now running with partners in 19 countries - showcasing best practice in the area in a global context. Both programmes are fully-funded for eligible insititutions.

From 2023, the Partnership will continue to focus on supporting new global education and NGO partners, and developing policy initiatives internationally.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If you want to find out more, then visit our website for more details about our approach and programmes, as well as the full Universal Framework. You can also sign up for our free monthly newsletter for the latest news across the Partnership. If you want to join the partnership, you can see if your institution is eligible for a fully-funded programme by emailing

Implementation steps

Check out the Skills Builder Universal Framework

Click here to explore the Universal Framework

The Skills Builder Universal Framework breaks down each of the eight essential skills into teachable and measurable chunks. It provides a rigorous framework for building skills for any age.

The interactive framework tool gives advice on how to build the skills across different settings and for different stakeholders across the Skills Builder Partnership, including educators, employers, impact organisations, parents & carers and individuals.

Explore the Accelerator programme
The UK and Global Accelerator is the flagship programme of the Skills Builder Partnership. We work together to develop and implement a complete strategy for teaching skills in your institution. In 2022, the Skills Builder Accelerator included 500+ leading global schools, colleges, special schools and alternative settings. The programme includes training and support for the Skills Leader, tools and resources for your colleagues, and real impact for your students.
Read our research

The Skills Builder Universal Framework and the wide partnership of organisations adopting it provide a new opportunity: to focus and consolidate the evidence base around essential skills – both why they matter, and how they can be most effectively built.

Read our research into how essential skills can support and influence life, educationand employmentoutcomes below:

  • How do essential skills influence life outcomes? An evidence review: LINK

  • Essential skills and their impact on education outcomes: a quantitative analysis of the British Cohort Study: LINK

  • Better prepared: Essential skills and employment outcomes for young people: LINK

If you would like to find out more, then please contact James at

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