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TESOL Tampico Talks

place Mexico

Learning from experts

EFL teachers interact with experts in the field. Every session is an opportunity for local, national and international audience to ask, clarify, and comment on specific topics the guest is an expert in. Especially when teachers have read experts' reasearch or books, but some issues are still puzzling them.


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Target group
January 2024

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Due to the pandemic conditions, MexTESOL local chapter was closed. There were no more workshops, talks, and conferences for local teachers and students. Going online was the only option, but no organization or association offered such webinars.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Examples are the last webinar and the upcoming one, our guests are editors from English Teaching Forum, a magazine published by the U. S. Department of State and Huminising Language Teaching, a magazine published by Pilgrims.
We invited them because recently at least two universities here in my city are asking teachers to publish academic articles and some teachers from other universities and schools are looking for information about it.
Our guests present information about their publication, answer questions from teachers, and provide information. Local teachers are now aware of what it takes and how to proceed in order to submit an article for publication.

How has it been spreading?

I think our most important achievement is that we have the opportunity to live stream on RELO Mexico and Central America Facebook. They have seen our work and think it is valuable for teachers in our region.
Our plans are to partner with organizations like RELO Mexico and Central America, British Council Mexico, and MexTESOL to bring our webinars to more teachers.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

If a group of teachers are looking for a specific topic, they can contact me at, they can tell me about their needs. We try to get or contact the expert, set a date, and invite not only these teachers, but everyone who may be interested in the topic.

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