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Take 1 Programme - Embedding ESD in Learning and Teaching

place Ireland

Every student - every subject - every class

Unlock the future of education with the Take 1 Programme, designed to seamlessly integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into every subject for Irish second-level schools. No extra content—just a streamlined approach using the SDGs to enrich learning. Inclusive and holistic, it ensures that every student engages with sustainability themes naturally, through their existing curriculum.


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Target group
July 2024
The Take 1 Programme aims to support educators to view ESD as an integral part of learning and teaching, targeting every student, in every subject and every classroom. It promotes collaborative engagement and transformational learning, demonstrating how ESD connects us, from classroom to classroom, throughout the school, and into the wider community.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The Take 1 Programme is a professional learning programme developed from a desire to support senior leaders, middle leaders and teacher leaders in Irish second-level schools to embed ESD in learning and teaching across the lower second-level school curriculum.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Conscious of an already overcrowded curriculum the Take 1 Programme highlights how ESD and GCE themes are already part of prescribed learning and teaching and do not need to be presented as additional content for consideration and inclusion. The Sustainable Development Goals are used as the conduit for learning and teaching about the many key issues surrounding ESD. The learning outcomes from all subject syllabuses have been mapped to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, demonstrating ESD concepts as an embedded construct. Sustainability themes are interwoven throughout, exposing all students in the class group to ESD learning and demonstrating that ESD is the remit of all subjects, moving away from a siloed and subject-specific approach. The Take 1 Programme approach supports whole-school engagement offering opportunities to engage every student, in every subject and every classroom.

How has it been spreading?

The Take 1 Programme is supported by the Department of Education in Ireland as part of government strategy on Education for Sustainable Development - ESD to 2030 under Priority 2 - Transforming Learning Environments – ‘learn what we live and live what we learn’. Training opportunities are spread through education networks and engagement and learning is promoted and showcased on social media platforms. Currently almost 45% of post-primary schools in Ireland have participated in training.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Contact the programme director Valerie -
Explore programme engagement to date in the gallery on the Take 1 Programme website (

Spread of the innovation

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