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Sports and Citizenship Incubator

place Brazil

The Sports and Citizenship Incubator is a space to create ideas that transform realities.

The incubator is a driver of creative ideas. Our concept revolves around transforming scarcity into abundance, building permanent dialogue capable of creating spaces for adolescents, young people and teachers to rethink their schools and communities, occupying public spaces and resigning them.


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Updated June 2019
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All students
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It's for everyone, it's to emancipate people, to give them the opportunity to develop. Pereira Sousa, Diane

About the innovation



To begin this reflection I start by saying that the three concepts: values, sports and educational have many sides. I will not dwell too much on the three concepts, but only on a quick reflection on the values, from what I can already understand, after some subjects studied at the University and dialogues that I have with work colleagues and friends.

In any research on the Internet we can identify that the concept of value is studied by different areas of knowledge such as Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Anthropology, Economics, Sociology and Art.

Philosophers, for example, have dedicated themselves to ethical values. These are related to a conscious preference. The philosophical approach describes value as being neither totally subjective nor totally objective, but determined by the relationship established between subject and object.

Psychologists have dedicated themselves more to the study of values related to the behavior and attitudes of individuals.

Sociologists dedicated themselves to values considered as a product of social relations and related to norms, representations, among other forms. Still in the Social Sciences, the value expresses a relationship between the individual's needs, such as: playing ball, touching, building, talking, eating, breathing, dressing, reproducing themselves, in short, the need to live with the capacity of what exists for this satisfaction to be realized.

Anthropologists relate value to the characteristics of individuals or groups that influence the selection of forms, means and ends of a given action.

Economists deal with the concept from the material point of view, the value of merchandise, the product.

In fact, no matter the area of knowledge, understanding that the necessary knowledge for a man in its totality is integralized, the values that are human constitute ALL THE fundamentals of human consciousness. Without values, life would be small, petty, narrow, restricted and restrictive.

Values thus provide the mortar of theoretical and practical knowledge that humanity has built over the millennia. For a more didactic understanding, we will reflect from the hierarchy of values in:

ETHICS - those that guide the behavior of men in relation to other men in the social environment in which they live.

POLICIES - fundamental values such as justice, equality, impartiality, citizenship and freedom.

MORAL - values that refer to the norms or criteria of conduct that affect, such as, for example, solidarity, honesty, truth, loyalty, goodness and altruism.

Aesthetics - these are values of expression that make us see not only in the spiritual, but also in the corporal, for example, harmony, the beautiful, the ugly, the sublime, the tragic.

Subjectivity is present in these values, it depends on the look, on the fruition. It is the same as the phrase that each point of view is the view of a point from a specific place. Aesthetic values are also quite determined by socially constructed patterns, by the fetishes of society that define beauty, ugliness, etc.


All these values in different scales and graduations are present in the way we plan and carry out the actions in our organizations, but even for my passion for the ball, but also for art, music, percussion, the waves, the strings, the softness of the body in the dance, in the dance, as well as the ball that runs towards a net, the same ball that when it arrives there (in the net) does not sleep, but insinuously returns to the field by hand, foot or head of someone....for all this I have an affection for aesthetic values, not in the patterns fetishized by our market society in which everything becomes a product, but for what with a view beyond this horizon of the market, we are able to achieve as being beautiful, harmonious and why not say, sublime....

That's why I consider FutRua3, street soccer, the naked one that played in the street of my house very beautiful, when we mix people, of all colors, of all genders in a game where the ugly (for example bullying, prejudice), has no chance of becoming established.

But this practice, which reveals aesthetic values, also reveals all the other values.

Morals, such as solidarity, altruism, coexistence between the parties, which even being different do not reinforce inequalities of chance, of opportunity.

Politicians, such as the development of citizenship, with the participation, the development of the competence to mediate and negotiate from very early on in the lives of children and adolescents who play the different sports in 3 times.

And in the midst of all this, ethical values must be spread through practice, which strengthen subjects who are knowledgeable, sensitive, firm and correct. Subjects who are and not only momentarily stay.

We always have a long way to go, a long life to learn when it comes to values. This is a world of words that everyone can say, repeat (equality... solidarity...) but few know how to live them with such intensity.