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Ran'aa School Podcast

Enhancing Techy Skills through Podcasting

Ranaa School Podcast is another initiative to help build various skills of the children studying at the Ranaa Child Welfare Foundation. These include speaking, reading, presenting, recording etc. Kids share their learning stories in the form of short interviews with their peers. These are recorded in Audacity. Check details in link below.


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Updated September 2024
Web presence




All students
Target group
Technology without sound pedagogy is nothing, this vehicle though has massive potential to take learning smoothly through rough and smooth terrains -taking all onboard.

About the innovation

Ranaa School Podcast

The Ranaa School Podcast basically reflects kids understanding and grasp of the different topics we study in class. The joy in their voices reflects the interest and engagement during classes. The confidence reflects their commitment to the work. Weekly, we try to record short interviews, where kids ask each other questions regarding the task/activity completed the following day. This could be making a game in Scratch, sharing the code, reading the code, explaining the process, sharing key words learned during the activity etc

What I have felt is over the weeks kids have become more confident, their reading skills have improved in English (can read code easily), speaking has improved in Urdu (kids first language is Pushto), . Their questioning skill has improved, they can explain better, can use technical word with ease, share even in front of a guest, shyness has reduced to a much greater extent.

Every week different pair of kids record their podcasts in Audacity and then these are uploaded on the podbean website. At the moment we have 18 episodes uploaded on the Ranaa School Podcast, which can be accessed by clicking on the link below.

Ranaa School Podcast

Implementation steps

Share and discuss the idea
You could use a google doc for collaborative writing. Your students can share ideas on a google doc accessible to all members in class. You could also use popplet or for brainstorming ideas.
Ask for Approval
You can always discuss the idea with parents in PTMS (parent teacher meetings) or hold a Skype /Google Hangout Session with them.
Resource Availability

Check whether school has Audacity installed on systems, speakers working? headsets available? mic available, need to create an account in Podbean etc

Set up space in classroom or lab
Check for internet connection in class or lab, make sure all equipment is working.
Train your students
Provide all resources to students, give guidelines and handouts. Assign roles and let them take ownership.
Record, Upload and Share
Upload online once your satisfied with the content, voice, sound etc.
Reflect and make changes
Share link through schools social media with all concerned. Encourage feedback.