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Project UBSAR

Creating Opportunities

Project UBSAR is started with an objective to motivate students to develop programs and projects relating enhances STEM-based student-led community projects such that students will develop and acquire skills to contribute to a society that is aware of prevailing global issues.


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Web presence






Target group
November 2020
Creating Opportunities

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Project UBSAR was created to attain and complement the need of public schools, and to solve the respective problems by working in collaboration with each other. The project also helped students attain problem-solving skills, project-based learning, and presentation skills by engaging them in STEM and design thinking sessions and workshops.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

At first, interested students will be called out for an application to join the project. A series of workshops will be conducted for the selected students on the themes that are identity, community mapping, presentation, and design thinking simultaneously to build ownership among students and their schools. The selected students will be mentored and encouraged to collective leadership. They will be assigned to design a prototype to solve the issues that they faced in their community. Finally, they'll share their outcomes in the form of a presentation and exhibition. The project will ultimately help students attain problem-solving skills, project-based learning, and presentation skills by engaging in STEM and design thinking sessions and workshops.

How has it been spreading?

The first project was successfully completed. It was implemented in 5 public schools of a single rural municipality of Nepal. We conducted four workshops with our four main themes that are identity, community mapping, presentation, and design thinking simultaneously in four different schools to build ownership in respective schools in our first year. We selected 25 students each from 5 schools, mentored and encouraged them to collective leadership. We are now planning to take similar workshops in 9 schools of the same rural municipality as an individual school program which will be facilitated by a local teacher being a mediator and it is now well recognized and appreciated in the region.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You can immediately start implementing the project. However, it would be good if we could collaborate on this process. It would be nice to inform us and plan to have a preparation meeting. If you need further details then you can contact any one of us for any other queries and suggestions.

Spread of the innovation

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