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PINit! Board

PINit! is a game-based learning strategy ,used to augment or as an alternative to digital game-based learning tools in schools and training

PINit! can be used to review students' knowledge, for formative assessment, or as an innovative break from traditional classroom question and answer session. It gives room for students engagement and enjoyable interactions while learning. This game is inspired by the need to provide access to quality education by enriching the learning experience available to low-cost private and public schools.


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Updated June 2020
Web presence




Target group
To reach the mind, you have to reach the heart!

About the innovation

The PINit!Board

What we do?

Help teachers to teach by reaching the learners. We help to design innovative classroom strategies that fit into all forms of the learning sets.

Why we do it?

We believe no learner should be left behind. This game is inspired by the need to provide access to quality education by enriching the teaching and learning experience available to low-cost private and public schools, primarily in under-developed countries. Over 80% of primary and secondary schools in Nigeria lack access to various proliferating educational technology tools. Hence, teachers are limited in scope and practice with regards to engaging students actively-the way students want to learn.

There are various electronic educational game-based tools like the Kahoot! out there. However, as fantastic as these tools are, many classrooms in underdeveloped nations cannot enjoy their use for reasons such as poor power supply and cost of digital devices. Hence the need for this adaptive and innovative tools built to reach all classrooms in underdeveloped world.

Implementation steps

Model 1

► PINit! was designed forcollaborative cluster learning. Each of these clusters is called a Cell. Each cell (of learners) focuses on two points: The Source ( The Question Card ) and the Goal (PINit Board) .

► The Source (The Question Card ) contains the set of questions made by the teacher or students and can be given to each cell or written on the white/blackboard.

► Each Cell has PINBox containing coloured Tiles designed to fit into the PINit! Board. The default colours are RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW.

► Each Cell reads the quiz questions, and collaboratively decide on an answer. The Direction Card matches the options to certain colours. E.g. A= RED Tile, B=Yellow, C=BLUE, D= Green.

► If Cell 1 (Team 1) decides that B is the answer for question 1, they would choose a yellow Tile from the PINBox and pin it on the Class PINit! Board under the quiz question for their team. If Cell 2 (Team 2) decides that A is the answer to question 1, they will choose a red Tile from the PINBox and pin it on the Class PINit! Board under Q1, and so on…

► A member of each team is chosen as the PINNER throughout the quiz or the role is rotated so that each member of a team(Cell) has the opportunity to move around during the quiz.

► When all the questions have been answered by the teams ,or when the time for the quiz is over, the teacher reveals the Answer Card. And that is the Eureka Moment!!!

► Using the Answer Card, the class will do peer assessment/self-assessment as determined by the teacher. The Scorer puts the scores on the score pane below the PINit!Board.

Evaluating Students Response: Assessment for Learning

his PINit! Board offers a lot of advantages. At a glance, the teacher can access the students' performance data and how far they have achieved certain learning outcomes. For example, in the PINit! Board below:

Reviewing Board

ü All the teams got Q3 wrongly, an indication that something has to be reinforced.

ü Team 1 got only Q4 correctly, the teacher may want to probe further!

ü All the Teams got Q2 correctly, learning outcome achieved!

Model 2

Model 2:

► For Model 2, the rules remain the same except that the Source will be an interactive whiteboard, projector, or a computer monitor) and the Goal (PINit Board) .

► The Source (the projected PowerPoint slides) contains the set of questions made by the teacher or students.

► Each PowerPoint slide shows a matching of options letters to specific coloured Tiles.

► Each slide can also be automatically timed.

► When all the questions have been answered by the teams ,or when the time for the quiz is over, the teacher reveals the Answer Slide

Using the Answer Slide, the class will do peer assessment/self-assessment as determined by the teacher. The Scorer puts the scores on the score pane below the PINit!Board.

Model 3

For Model 3, the rules remain the same except that the Goal (PINit Board) could be for individual Team or Individual student ( In the case of individual Tasks). So, each student or each Team would do self-assessment and raise the myPINit!B for teacher's review/appraisal.