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Opportunity International Education Finance

Getting more children into better schools with social finance

Opportunity EduFinance mobilizes capital for school owners and parents, and boosts the capacity of school leaders and teachers. To do this, the EduFinance Technical Assistance team works with socially-focused financial institutions to develop, launch and grow sustainable education lending portfolios. We also offer affordable non-state schools a holistic three-year school development program.
HundrED 2025


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HundrED Global Collection 2025

Updated August 2024
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Target group
With 7 in 10 children not learning, all possible solutions must be considered. We want to unlock the constraints of school owners already working to fill education gaps by linking them to financing and professional development. Our research found girls and low-income children benefited most in schools with access to professional development training and loans, showing significant scale potential.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

7 out of 10 children around the world not learning, and in low-income countries ‘learning poverty’ is estimated at 92%. However, the non-state school sector’s role in delivering education has been growing. Today more than 1 in 4 schools are non-state, with government expenditure constraints creating conditions for affordable schools to expand and fill the supply gap for lower income families.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Our innovation mobilizes existing private capital in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) as investment into the affordable education sector. We partner with local financial institutions and provide technical assistance to design and implement education lending products. The School Improvement Loan provides financing to school owners to invest in building more classroom, building gender-separated bathrooms, and purchasing school assets . The School Fee Loan helps parents with irregular income effectively spread out the costs of their children’s education to prevent school drop-outs . Our EduQuality initiative then partners with school owners to offer professional development for their leaders on school development planning and school management, and for teachers on best practices, as many have minimal access to ongoing professional development. A recent study found children gain as much as half a year equivalent of additional schooling linked to our innovation.

How has it been spreading?

The EduFinance footprint has massively grown from its original start in Ghana and scaled across Africa, Latin America and Asia. Today, our 173 financial institution partners span 31 countries and have benefited more than 13.9 million children by investing over US$874 million in education. Over the next 2-3 years we aim to support new financial institution partners with TA to invest in education in countries with the greatest need for education access and demand for affordable non-state schools. We estimate an additional 38 million new seats for learners in LMICs will be demanded through 2026. Our partners are currently financing around 19,000 school borrowers, which is a fraction of the estimated 1.39 million non-state schools in LMICs representing a US$36 billion market.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Financial institutions interested in technical assistance to develop, launch and grow an EduFinance portfolio, and/or social impact investors seeking opportunities to make a positive impact in education by directing financing schools and families via financial institutions are invited to contact us to learn more at

Impact & scalability

HundrED Academy Reviews

Exceptional impact, addressing 'learning poverty' and enhancing education for over 13.9 million children. By mobilizing private capital and providing professional development, it significantly improves school infrastructure and educational outcomes.

The financial viability of education is a major challenge worldwide, and millions of students could benefit from this innovation's socio-economic solutions. Education leads to a better quality of living, hence it also solves other social issues.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

Market Research
We undertake a thorough analysis of the scale of the Education Finance market for each financial institution we partner with. We combine our global expertise in Education Finance with local insight by conducting hundreds of interviews with affordable non-state school owners and the parents of their students.
Partnering with Financial Institutions and Product Designs
Based on the outcomes of our market research, we work with financial institutions to design financial products that meet the needs of the parents and school owners that use them. We produce nuanced products for each partner.
Financial Institution Staff Training
Once our partner approve the new EduFinance products, we run training programs for branch managers, loan officers, credit and risk officers plus head office staff to ensure the successful launch, growth and management of the education lending portfolio. We take a modular approach to staff training so that content and sessions can be customized based on the needs of the individual financial institution.
Financial Institution Staff Training
Once our partner approve the new EduFinance products, we run training programs for branch managers, loan officers, credit and risk officers plus head office staff to ensure the successful launch, growth and management of the education lending portfolio. We take a modular approach to staff training so that content and sessions can be customized based on the needs of the individual financial institution.
Portfolio Analysis
Our Business Intelligence arm provides our partners with an analysis of their education finance portfolios. Analyses are used to improve the management, risk mitigation and profitability of our partner financial institutions' portfolios.
EduQuality Introduction
In selected markets, the EduFinance teams delivers a training program for school leaders and teachers through a blended learning model that combines digital, self-access content on tablets for school leaders and teacher mentors with highly interactive in-person training and support. We first collaborate with our financial institution partners to engage their school borrowers, inviting them to attend an Introductory Seminar.
School Development Planning
To target education quality improvements, schools must first identify what education 'quality' means. To address this, we designed Pathways to Excellence (P2E), a guide for school leaders to map out their strengths and areas for growth, enabling them to have full ownership of quality improvement priorities. Using the results of their self-assessment, school leaders work with stakeholders in their school community to create a school development plan to improve upon areas of greatest need.
Professional Development Delivery
When schools agree to join the three-year EduQuality program, they self-select into clusters with other schools within their geographic area, ensuring they can regularly meet together to create communities of collaboration. Senior school leaders are offered professional development training with a focus on instructional leadership and school management best practices. Using the training-of-trainers model for sustainability, teacher mentors are selected for training and to provide peer coaching.

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