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New Breed Tech Mobile computer lab

Digital Integration into the Classroom and Good Digital Citizenship

In Liberia West Africa it's estimated that 80% of high school graduates don't know how to power on a computer, they, therefore, lack basic digital literacy skills to participate in the 21st-century workplace. 90% of the digital literacy divide is found among schools in underserved communities. Our solution is a mobil computer lab is fully equipped with internet and laptop computers bridging th Gap


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Updated April 2023
Web presence




Students upper
Target group
Digital Integration into the classroom across all subject areas in Liberia, transparency and accountability in the classroom, promoting critical thinking in the classroom, good digital citizenship, and digital and computer literacies.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

New Breed Tech Mobile Computer Lab was established to provide computer and digital Literacies skills to teachers and students living in underserved communities in Liberia, mainly focusing on digital integration. Aim at bridging the digital Literacy gap between private and public schools on ICT subjects and give a wake-up call to the government to improve & put ICT facilities in public schools.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The solution use mobile computer lab to provide computer lab for schools in underserved communities.
The mobile computer lab visit schools in underserved communities rotationally on schedule time.

How has it been spreading?

The program had impacted a little over one thousand students with a single mobile computer Lab in the past eight months and currently operates in Nimba and Bong counties with six teaching points in four schools and two community teaching points. In the next two to three years we will increase the number of Mobile Computer Lab (Buses) from one to three and expand to eight more schools with additional community training points in two more counties in Liberia.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

The innovation is new to Liberia but it's been practiced in others countries. Namely Kenya and India
I don't have any Intellectual Property ( IP) for it, anyone can feel free to reach out to me if they need my advice.

Implementation steps

Parent teachers Association Meeting
Project presentation to Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
Partnership Agreement
A Memorandum of Understanding is signed by both parties.
Project implementation time frame
Project implementation

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