It is known that in the field of coding there is little interest of female students. According to the 2017 edition of the OECD’s Education at a Glance report, 3 of each 4 students who prefer IT are male students. In the same report, the ratio of female students undertaking studies in the field of IT is reported as 19%. It seems that it is not different in Turkey. However, it is vital that female students who study IT get quality education in this field and use technology efficiently. The aim of this study is to increase the interest of girls in ICT and coding. The target group of this project is composed of 20 female students and 1000 participants registered of Atatürk Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Altındağ, Ankara. The Project worked with age group between 15 and 18. Workshop took place our schools Coding Lab. Students learned coding with BBC:Microbit by Selçuk Yusuf Arslan. The workshop took 5 days. The students conducted 8 different projects for 2 days. An project exhibit organized by students. After exhibit, we organized a conference about importance of coding with Microsoft and Hacettepe University Life Long Learning Center. Female students explained their projects for more than 1000 students in the school. After that with 250 students attendance, coding and career presentation was made. The presentation made by İsmet BENLİ, the Microsoft instructor. The certificates were given after the training that lasted about 1 hour.
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