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Learning Innovation Lab (LIL)

Transforming Learning Through Innovation, Creativity, and Investment in Teacher Curiosity: A University-School-Community Partnership

LIL curates projects created by candidates in our Innovative Learning Master's degree program. Exhibits share teacher investigations into their teaching and learning challenges, exploration of digital tools and media, design thinking used to iterate solutions, and cycles of action research into effectiveness. Fellowships provided by a local non-profit organization support high participation.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated June 2019




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These teachers’ dedication to develop their skills to support student engagement and the reimagination of learning is crucial. They are discovering the best ways to...teach the skills of the future.

About the innovation

Preparing Students for the Future Workforce Through Learning Innovation

The Learning Innovation Lab is the capstone exhibit hall for the Innovative Learning Master’s degree program in the Graduate School of Education at Touro University California. Formerly a traditional face-to-face educational technology program focused on teacher use of technology, the Innovative Learning program emphasizes student-centered learning and growth driven by deep reflection on teaching practices. Each teacher who enters our program embarks on a journey designed to move them from classroom practitioner, to action researcher, to teacher leader. Created to meet local school district needs for teacher leaders of project-based learning, innovative curriculum design, and creating a classroom culture essential to nurture 21st century learning, we strive to create a safe playground in which teachers can explore new ways of teaching and learning without risk. Because the program draws teachers from every level of experience, proficiency in the use of technology, and level of comfort with the “messiness” of change and unpredictable outcomes, we encourage cohort members to acknowledge and honor each teacher’s starting point and nurture individual progress through the adventure of becoming more innovative no matter their stage of proficiency.

We begin by asking candidates to share a local learning challenge as the basis for their investigation. This evolves into an essential or driving question that is explored and refined through multiple cycles of design thinking and action research over the course of the program. Along the way, potential methods for improving student learning through innovation are developed and evaluated for effectiveness and refined as needed. Simultaneously, a myriad of digital tools and guiding principles, theories and research are explored. As in most inquiry-based learning processes, candidates are encouraged to make their work public for feedback via a variety of arenas including professional development venues, social media, web presence and conferences. Over time, the journey toward completion culminates with producing a LIL exhibit including a 90 second “elevator speech” video and a 5 minute capstone overview video. This is accompanied by research data and other media developed over the course of the program that communicate their methods and findings. We ask all candidates to give back to their district or school by sharing their work with colleagues - especially since they investigated a local challenge. NapaLearns Fellows do this more formally via the NapaLearns web site and teacher professional development opportunities they host across the county.

NapaLearns and the Fellows
While the Innovative Learning Master’s degree program is open to any candidate who meets enrollment standards, teachers employed in one of Napa County’s five school districts in California are eligible for tuition assistance from NapaLearns, a non-profit organization committed to "partnering for innovation and success". Once accepted by Touro and approved by NapaLearns, candidates become a NapaLearns Fellow. NapaLearns also generously provides direct support to the Touro program by sharing their video and graphics development resources thereby allowing us to document fellows activities and responses to the program.

Program Organization
This cohort-based program immerses teachers in the same environment school administration asks them to create in their own classrooms – one in which problem-based learning, project-based learning and/or inquiry are used to spark student learning. Meetings are held face-to-face virtually using web-conferencing several hours each week. This time is reserved for sharing insights, demonstrating creations and making connections to personal practice. All direct instruction is conducted via recorded “homework” videos and other resource materials hosted online. Each week, after reviewing course materials, teachers blog about how the content related to their own practice; making personal connections to the ideas and theories. They read and comment on each others’ blogs to build connections to each other and a larger perspective on the content. These blogs become a journal of the evolution of thought and practice for each teacher and serves to provide a method for documenting their journey.

Continuous Improvement Fuels Innovation
To maintain either regional or national accreditation, higher education institutions are required to utilize data to inform improvement in their courses and programs. Beyond the usual course evaluations, faculty observations and alumni surveys, the Innovative Learning program receives ongoing and continuous feedback from our non-profit partner, current alums teaching in the program, and school district personnel. We consider such input opportunities for improvement, evolution and/or innovation. We invite NapaLearns and School District administrator to fellows presentations of their initial research projects in the first semester, engage our partners in giving input into the design cycles for solutions, and to celebrate the final demonstrations of capstone projects and research posters.

Putting Theory into Action - Organizations and theorists who influenced our program design.

Initial founders of Knowledgeworks are members of the community in which this program is based. Their focus on student-centered learning and personalization as tools to impact and improve learning for all students inspired the design of the Innovative Learning Master's degree program.
The 4Cs of 21st century learning developed by the P21 partnership guide this program: Communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. Our largest school district partner, Napa Valley Unified, expanded the 4Cs to include: Global citizenship and character. Others consider cultural competency as an essential C. We ask our teacher participants to address how their lesson designs support students to acquire competency in the essential 4C skills necessary their future success.

League of Innovative Schools - Digital Promise
As a member of the League, one of our partner school districts shared their development of rubrics for measuring student proficiency in the 4Cs. Initially created to measure proficiency of exiting high school students, this district brought together classroom teachers and academic specialists to create derivative rubrics to be used to guide primary, middle and early high school progress toward mastery of the essential Cs. We encourage our teachers to employ these rubrics as they develop lessons to expand student proficiency in these areas and measure the efficacy of their projects.

TPACK is an acronym for Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge. Developed by Punya Mishra and Matt Koehler while at Michigan State University, the TPACK framework “attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge" ( It is the tension between and intersection of each of these areas of knowledge that challenge teacher design of learning opportunities using technology. In the program, we explore the tenets of TPACK and ask each teacher to contemplate their journey toward developing TPACK skills as they move through and complete their studies.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) - Inclusiveness for Everyone
UDL is a framework for addressing the learning needs of all students in the classroom. Rather than create modifications for some (which highlight their differences), we advocate for creating lessons with sufficient resources to allow multiple entry and exit points for learners with differing abilities and learning strengths. This inclusiveness in design has the added benefit of modeling for students the benefits of multiple perspectives and the richness of understanding this brings to one's knowledge of a topic. It values the thinking of every student, emphasizes equity, and elevates engagement in learning.

Program Impact

  • Use of project-based learning (as well as problem/inquiry based learning) design and inquiry challenges both teaching faculty and established institutional policies. Yet, it provides exemplars of, and provocations for, innovation for both the teacher and the learner.

  • The program encouraged expansion of school-based learning to home-school networks, independent schools, after-school programs, parent education and community-based learning programs.

  • One hundred and fifty NapaLearns Fellows completed the program with 99% on time completion.

  • Of these, approximately one in three graduates went on to be promoted to a leadership position within their school district in the roles of trainer/coach, district administrator, and/or technology coordinator.

  • Twelve teachers were nominated for teacher of the year awards.

  • The superintendent of the largest district involved named the Master’s program as a major contributor to whole school reform in his district.

Implementation steps

Extend Yourself into the Community & Build Partnerships

It is invaluable to have knowledge of the influencers and stressors that impact school programs and those who support them. These insights will help to shape your future conversations and activities. Attend meetings, volunteer, and explore common interests as you work toward building partnership. Attend professional development in the district so you know what is being asked of teachers. Use this information to guide development of strategic goals and program development.

Learn Local K12 School Needs
As school districts struggle to meet the demands for curricular innovation, they will have discerned areas of concern and likely prioritized critical needs. These areas are prime for teacher development as well as needed leadership. In conversation, drive down to areas in which digital tools and other technology plays a role. Use these meetings to lay groundwork for future partnership in offering Master's degree program on site and/or other professional development.
Advocate For & Create Program Aligned with School Needs

Use documentation from meetings with school district personnel in step one to assist with this step. Conduct a survey of current students in your college/school to collect input on what they would like to know more about to further their career, the format for the program (on site in the district, at the college/university campus, online), as well as best times to learn. Use this material to inform a formal feasibility study, if required.

Creating a new program will mean developing:

  • new courses and titles - obtaining curriculum approval

  • creating schedule for the new program and subsequent enrollments

  • Catalog changes

  • assessing faculty readiness to teach courses

  • obtaining faculty development resources as needed

  • hiring new faculty as needed

  • mentoring faculty through new iterations.

In the course of creating our new program, we discovered that the commute to classes, even when held on the school district campus, deterred many teachers from joining the program. Thus, we had an additional hurdle to develop an online program, acquire resources to teach online, and to get faculty pedagogically and technically ready to teach online.

Finally, it is important to realize that in an environment of innovation it is impossible to teach the same content every semester - you, too, must be constantly innovating and incorporating new innovations into your teaching and expectations for students. Ongoing feedback from stakeholders and students (aka teachers) must be used to continuously improve the program and its delivery.
Be Constantly on the Lookout for Innovative Faculty
After designing the initial curriculum (which is constantly in a stage of redesign due to the nature of innovation) the biggest challenge to implementation of this innovation program was finding faculty who could teach in it. It took three years to find the right match for all of the classes. I was constantly on the look-out for adjuncts who had classroom experiences and training that gave them the necessary deep knowledge to teach others. In my program, only faculty (adjunct or full-time) who have at least 3 years of classroom experience in a school implementing inquiry, project or problem based learning are hired to teach. This includes the research classes! For faculty with great potential but less experience teaching higher education, I spent up to a year sitting in classes and mentoring them. All are outstanding and, as our program expands, I find that our graduates sometimes make the best adjuncts. Our non-profit partner celebrates this level of recognition for their Fellows accomplishments.
Continuously Seek Out Others Who Share Your Vision & Inspire

Attend conferences where others gather to share innovations and the challenges of preparing teachers for the future in the culture of higher education which can be slow to adopt new technologies used in K12 schools.

Consider joining a board, volunteering at community functions, and visiting with local entrepreneurs and businesses to learn about their interests. In the case of the LIL, the opening of a new high school provided opportunity to meet with others in the community who cared about the importance of this first "high school in the cloud". Find similar opportunities to join and work to build relationships.

Remember, that opportunities for growth and partnership often arise unexpectedly. After joining the board of a non-profit that sought to support schools to prepare students for the future workforce - the need to invest in teachers as the mechanism for change arose and the Learning Innovation Lab bloomed.

Regularly engage partners in viewing teacher work & feedback

To ensure that the action research and studies are in alignment with school district and non- profit goals, we regularly ask them to participate in events. Some examples of when we invite our partners to join in and give feedback directly to teachers:

- during end of semester presentation events

- Annual Research Poster event

- Final pre-graduation Master's defense

We also remind students that their work must address a local challenge and align with strategic goals of our partners.

Spread of the innovation

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