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Bee Future Aviators

Inspiring the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals

Bee Future Aviators (BFA) aims at encouraging younger generation worldwide to pursue careers in the aviation industry and dream of their future by embedding that seed of passion for aviation at a younger age and capturing Future Aviators from an early stage in their school lives and inspiring the new generation to dream about a future in the skies and work hard on achieving their academic goals.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated June 2024
Web presence




Target group
A clear career guidance is vital in every student’s decision of what they want to be in the future, illustrating the gap between the education and the career is part of our responsibility, in order to inspire youngsters to study harder at their school and finding a motivation for them to succeed is the main goal, we hope to see more interaction of community's role models in inspiring students.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The organization fundamentally develops from a pending
staffing shortage in the Aviation industry in the coming
years. Either it is Pilots, Air Traffic Controllers (ATC),
Engineers, or other Aviation roles.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

We do believe that the exposure to hands-on experience is the most efficient way to inspire students to work hard on achieving their dreams from an early educational stage.

BFA conducts an exciting scheme dedicated to school students aged
10-16 years old. The scheme allows youngsters to get an insight about various Aviation roles, not just talking about it, but experiencing it themselves.

The Scheme involves Students,Parents and Teachers with industry role models through :

- Career Presentations
- Aviation Introduction
- Real Flight Experience
- Flight Simulator Sessions
- Air Traffic Control Interaction
- Search and Rescue Invovlement
- Maintenance Hangar Visit

The most engaging part of the scheme is a short flight experience in a light airplane with a qualified flight instructor which may ignite an inspiration to some of them into flying role in the future either as a career or as an interest.

How has it been spreading?

We have been conducting several events in different countries as a pilot programs which suits each location and type of airport operations and local school involvement with the community members. Some examples of our events :

• 1st October 2018 (UK)
• 24th November 2018 (UK)
• 16th January 2019 (Qatar)
• 26th January 2019 (UK)
• 10th February 2019 (Tanzania)
• 24th April 2019 (Kenya)
• 14th June 2019 (UK)
• 3rd July 2019 (UK)
• 7th October 2019 (Finland)
• 16th October 2019 (Malta)
• 10th July 2022 (Egypt)
• 27th October 2022 (UAE)
• 14th July 2023 (Montenegro)
• 27th May 2024 (Romania)

and more events yet to be held in various locations around secondary airports by connecting local communities and schools with aviation professionals in inspiring students ...

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Contact the organisation via email or website (online form) :

Implementation steps

Career Presentations
By involving industry's role models to give a clear career guidance to the participating students , it is vital in every student’s decision of what they want to be in
the future, illustrating the gap between the education and the career is part of our
responsibility, in order to inspire youngsters to study harder at their school and finding a
motivation for them to succeed is the main goal.
Aviation Introduction
Aviation Introduction is meant to widen the students’ vision of how
their educational background is linked and applied in Aviation. A preflight
briefing is conducted to each of those student groups, which allows to
inquire and discover more about flying in an engaging experience.
Flight Experience
Part of the scheme is a short flight experience in a light airplane with a
qualified flight instructor which may ignite an inspiration to some of them
into flying role in the future either as a career or as an interest.
Flight Simulator Experience
Students can enjoy an exciting experience in a full motion simulator in one of the
local Simulator centers, the flight experience allows the students to fly a
commercial airplanes and get to fly in different scenes and weather conditions.
Air force cadets had the chance to enjoy this experience on a fighter jet or on B737/A380.
Air Traffic Control Interaction
An interactive ATC visit allows students to gain a valuable knowledge about the role
of being an ATC controller and what challenges do they face on a daily operation, moreover the required skills needed for this job if they would like to pursue such a career in the future.
Search & Rescue Involvement
An interactive tour within the search and rescue unit allows the students to
learn more and discover about the challenges that are faces in such a unique operation and also what other roles does exist within this industry.
Maintenance Hangar Visit
Engineering and maintenance is very exciting subject to lots of students, and we do conduct these activities to create learning curiosity in the student’s minds enriching their
background and linking what they study in books to the applied science.

Spread of the innovation

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