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Learning and Development Sustainability (LEADS)

"Empowering you to unlock your full potential."

Innovation often requires collaboration, interdisciplinary thinking, and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom and take calculated risks. The education system changed from traditional to digital. Giving enough support to prime mover in the education sector will make an impact in shaping the young mind and making them holistic to think and globally competitive. Let us empower educators.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated April 2023
Web presence




Target group
I want to connect every disconnected. Collaboration, Good Communication, Provide Innovation also and unleashing possibilities

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Our place is Geographically isolated and it takes five hours inland to travel and eight hours by boat to reach another island. I see many teachers that are not technologically updated because they can't attend training because of the travel time and most of the time it has a warning. There's also an internet connectivity problem in some areas. That is why I initiated to have free training for them

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Going to every island and far-flung area in our provinces allows me to see more and to know the needs of the education sectors and even the need of the learners. I look for local partners to support the programs. The partners were evaluated if this can help the education sector to make it easier for them and can give quality education. For almost three years of implementation, almost five thousand teachers were trained and one thousand students were provided training in digital citizenship. Teachers gain international certifications and are updated on technological advancement. Provide them with quality ready-made materials. We use the standard given by the Department of Education (RPMS) so it is aligned with the needs of the teacher. Based on the needs of the teachers we will craft a simple guide on how we can help them. The free training provided to them allows them to unbox the skills that are within them. Not only in using technology but also how to use positively and effectively.

How has it been spreading?

Six hundred Google Certified Educators, Around five thousand plus educators trained, Established an organization that will provide education updates. Go to different far-flung areas, islands, urban schools, and districts. Make a partnership with one company in providing ready-made quality materials.

The next goal is to train fifty-four individual who is passionate about sharing with others. Fifty-four so I have one in every district or area so the dissemination of information and update is easy. But it takes time, so while patiently waiting for them to become we conduct small group discussions so we can have camaraderie and we can plan for the next project.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You can contact me at

Implementation steps

Looking for school/district who are willing to adopt a project
Planning on how, when, where and who are the target.
Execution of plan
Review the result