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Iesha Learning

place India

Fun, interactive toolkit for sex and gender education in India

We are India's first comprehensive solution for adolescent puberty, sexuality, and gender education - we've developed a fun, positive course on puberty, growing up, and gender that teachers and facilitators can use to change the attitudes and behaviors of pre-teens in high and low income schools across India.



HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Web presence






July 2018
Before, I used to think that I should get the girl at any cost, by forcing her or doing anything. But after you taught us, my mind changed completely. Now if a girl says "no," I will not feel sad, and I will not force her. I will accept it and move on.

About the innovation

Creating a Gender-Equal India

We are breaking the oldest and deepest taboo in India - gender and sex - and changing the lives of 600,000 pre-teens across the country.

Through 15+ hours of interactive media, games, discussions, and worksheets,we are changing behaviors of pre-teens and teens including demonstrably preventing rape culture, inculcating wonder and joy for girls around their menstrual cycle, and creating a classroom atmosphere of respect and empathy for all students.

The content can be run by any facilitator with minimal training, to bring accurate, rich, and positive information to their students about love, bodies, and relationships.


Implementation steps

Contact Us
Contact me directly at nilima[at] if interested in adopting the course for your school system or NGO.

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