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Huddle Up Learning

Authentic learning environments focused on collaborative action

Huddle Up Learning  is an asynchronous interactive learning experience platform to help teams solve the implementation gap between 'learning' and 'action'.  Move past past passive video/quiz learning and focus on users sharing solutions and peer feedback asynchronously, allowing them to learn from each other, collaborate better, and meet less. We help teams collaborate, learn and take action.


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Web presence




Target group
January 2025
We have to move past comprehension and recall. Learning in the future has to focus more on creativity, action and collaboration within authentic contexts so that our learning products have an authentic audience (not simply a teacher). We need blended environments that link learners, educators and outside experts.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Our current platforms dictate superficial "learning" - focusing us on sharing content and having users take quizzes to demonstrate understanding. We believe the best (and most challenging) aspect of learning is applying the content in an authentic context. We need environments where that's the goal - and when we aim for this we create learning communities who share practices and peer feedback.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Project leaders customize content and tasks for a cohort to complete and share practices over a time period (eg. 3 months). The entire process is asynchronous giving users the time and space to share their best thinking. It's one platform with resources, user solutions (applications of learning), peer feedback that is both qualitative and quantitative, and synthesized data for each user and the cohort as a whole.
Cohort projects can be led by consultants or Directors of innovation, Strategic Planners largely targeting educators. Cohorts can also be led by educators with student-users. In both cases, the learning model focuses on sharing applications of learning and feedback - so there is transparent growth of both process and products and the cohort can learn from others along the way. The transparency adds a shared accountability. Users share their solutions, and collaborate between the synchronous meetings to make the meetings more effective.

How has it been spreading?

We are connecting with consultants who are using it with schools. We connect via Linked In.
We have been to two conferences which have been excellent for networking. We are using part-time support to expand our outreach and target ICPs

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Visit and sign up for a free demo. (Mention you came from HundreED in the sign up form.)

Implementation steps

Create a Project or Join an Existing Project
Users can do both if they wish.
Here is a guide to help prospective Project Leaders create and run a project.

Spread of the innovation

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