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E-kids is a brand new digital tool dedicated to awakening the entrepreneurial spirit in primary school pupils.

Available in French and English, e-kids is a “turnkey” tool with On-line educational resources to help teachers run class entrepreneurial projects and a box with pratical tools to encourage pupils. E-kids offers activities that allow young people to develop their self-esteem and reach their full potential by experiencing a veritable entrepreneurial adventure. website :


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Updated June 2019
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All students
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About the innovation

What is E-kids

What we do?

E-kids gives elementary pupils the chance to experiment the different steps of an entrepreneurial adventure. The pupils create a project that resolves a problem or answers a need identified in their local environment. Thanks to several workshops pupils discover the steps to create a project : finding the idea, gathering information, preparing the action plans, obtaining financing, designing communication supports and launching an event.

Why we do it?

Teaching entrepreneurship in classroom offers the opportunity to pupils to develop their entrepreneurial knowledge, skills and attitudes. E-kids offers activities that allow young people to develop their self-esteem and reach their full potential by experiencing a veritable entrepreneurial adventure.

E-kids gives pupils encouragement and support as they learn to overcome challenges and grow from failure. In the entrepreneurial workshops, creativity and risk-taking are encouraged. Moreover E-kids helps children identify their inner strengths by praising them for their courage, honesty and fairness.

Teaching entrepreneurship in classroom can help to increase motivation in the classroom. Teaching Entrepreneurial learning in the classroom helps young people to increase their interest, motivation and involvement in their learning. Young people are more motivated and engaged in an activity when they feel they have responsibility in the project and are asked for their opinions. They learn differently and with fun.

After having trialled in schools, the feedback has been very positive. Even during the covid crisis, with severe disruption to schools, teachers have been able to deliver the programme. They have said that E-kids is a dynamic project which continues to involve all pupils even when they are not in class at the same time. Because of the adaptability of E-kids, the projects have been completed, developing entrepreneurial softs skills.

Implementation steps

With this digital tool, teachers will find all the resources for managing E-kids independently in the classroom.

For every step :

  • A general presentation film: this presents the tools and the objectives in a fun way. This film can be downloaded and shown to the class at the start of each activity session.

And for every workshop:

  • A descriptive educational worksheet where all the information relating to the workshops is detailed: content, educational goals, duration and possible follow-up activities.

  • A presentation in pictures of the different activities to be undertaken.

  • Annexes that facilitate the management of the various exercises and practical case studies.

Benefits for pupils

Throughout the journey, the teacher encourages pupils to understand themselves better and become aware of their own strengths. E-kids leads to the development of self-esteem and encourages team work.

The teachers have a box to encourage their pupils. The E-kids Box contains supplementary support tools. Thanks to this Box, teachers can take advantage of fun, colourful and attractive support tools that make their classroom project more dynamic. Fun and simple to use, these different support tools enhance the concentration of pupils and introduce the notion of « pleasure » to the heart of learning.

The E-kids Box contains :

  • Creative materials for illustrating the pupils’ crests

  • A chronological poster so everyone can visualise the 5 steps of the project and where they are in real time. This poster allows everyone to plan ahead: the steps undertaken are clearly visible, as are those that still need to be completed

  • A pride table that highlights the entrepreneurial qualities of the pupils

  • Four inspirational posters to stimulate and encourage the pupils in class

  • Rewards to collect: « e-kids challenge »

  • Messages relating to « challenges »

  • Pretty invitation cards to communicate with the parents

  • Diplomas to highlight the pupils and their achievements during the e-kids project

  • etc.

Simple to use, the E-kids Box will help teachers by saving them time, providing peace of mind and making things easier for them.

Benefits for teachers

Thanks to the e-kids tool teachers will be :

  • encouraged to promote engagement, initiative and self-awareness in their pupils

  • given the opportunity to develop their own personal qualities and skills such as creativity, autonomy and self-confidence.

  • able to help pupils become more "entrepreneurial" in their work and in their life

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