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D Notation

Music note writing app for education

D Notation is an iOS app for writing music notes with a focus on education. The app is based on an invention - The Musical Notation Keyboard by Andrey Bayadzhan and Roman Ruditsa.


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated July 2018
Web presence




All students
Target group
The most important goal of D Notation is to help children overcome the shock, to make note writing accessible and the process of writing exciting.

About the innovation

What is D Notation

What we do?

We make an innovative iOS app for writing and learning music notes.

D Notation app allows not only to write notes, but it helps to learn note writing. It works in a sense like Lego constructor, with note symbols assembled from their elements and music scores assembled from note symbols. By constantly using this constructor, students understand how music writing works, at first intuitively and then rationally. An important impact of D Notation app could be removing a psychological barrier between students and note writing. Note writing is very difficult. When children meet music notation for the first time, they are shocked. The most important goal of D Notation is to help children to overcome the shock, to make note writing accessible and the process of writing exciting.

Why we do it?

We, founders of D Notation, are deeply involved in music education and creation. We feel that our mission is to make music literacy, note writing accessible for everyone.