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Curiosity Clubs

Learn anything, through projects, together.

Imagine a place where students come together to share their love for learning, where they create collaborative projects about what truly interests them, learning with and from one another. A place where older students guide younger students through their learning journey, exposing them to new ideas along their way. Welcome to Curiosity Learning's Curiosity Club!


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Web presence






Target group
Students upper
February 2024
I hope it has an impact on the education system globally. I hope people will finally see that kids are hungry for learning. We simply need to provide the resources and the space for this to happen. I hope to integrate Curiosity Club into every school, or at the very least inspire every school to give autonomy to students in their day-to-day lives.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

At the age of 17, I felt that the education system was stripping away my intrinsic motivation to learn. Ironically, I researched and learned about why that was the case and found that it wasn't just me. I thought about what I can do, as a student, to try to make a difference. I started Curiosity Club within my own school, and am now supporting youth in opening it in their own schools.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The club values guidance, exposure, and teamwork. At the club, Learners learn anything they are curious about, through projects, together with one another. It is done through our 6 core building blocks. Get Curious, Plan Projects, Work on Projects, Share Experiences, Mini Projects, and Team Building. It is based on the self-determination theory of intrinsic motivation, with the goal of getting people intrinsically motivated to learn, which is essential in this ever so changing world. Guides use approximately 3 blocks each session and are free to refer to our session-building booklet.
We support upper high school students to start and run Curiosity Club within their schools. We provide resources, one-on-one coaching, weekly group sessions with guides from other schools, and in-person training experiences.

How has it been spreading?

This year, we increased from 1 to 4 schools. By the end of the school year, our goal is to run in 10 schools, impacting an estimated 150 youth. In the next 3 years, we will be better integrated into schools, and running across Europe, operated by a small and dedicated team. We shall find country coordinators, and give them to tools needed to spread the organization into their country.
We will also build long-lasting relationships with corporate partners who believe in our vision and want to give back and improve education.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Come visit our website The first step is to reach out, let us know you're interested and we can talk about the best way to approach it with your school, and collaborate. We know what works and what doesn't, so we can personally support you in setting up, and give you everything you might need.

Implementation steps

Get In Touch
We don't bite.
Check the website. Look into what it entails. Ask questions.
Introductory Call
Let's talk to see if our values align. During this call, we'll explain a bit more about how Curiosity Club works, and how it's being implemented in schools.
Sign the Community Agreements
Then you're officially part of the movement and can go onto the next step of...
Join the Weekly Drop-ins
Online sessions once a week with workshops and support from the Curiosity Community.
Start the Club
We will give you access to our platform with all the resources. We will look into how to best integrate Curiosity Club within your school. Then, with our support, you will talk to the people in your school to open a new after-school club. You can choose how you want to spread the word on the club within your school. Either presenting to classes, putting up posters, sending emails, or anything you think of. Then you start the club, learners will join, and we'll be here for support along the way.

Spread of the innovation

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