A lack of empirical evidence was identified in the implementation of the Character Education framework in Latin America. We developed the program to promote the collection of evidence on character education in schools in the region, taking into account their diverse contexts and to provide teachers with the opportunity to carry out an action research project in their schools.
The program unfolded in three stages:
1) Selecting and training 20 exceptional Latin American teachers (Global Teacher Prize ambassadors) over 4 months in Character Education. Sessions included theoretical presentations and practical exercises on virtues, leadership, and good practices.
2) Participants designed action research projects combining pedagogical practices with virtue development tailored to local contexts. They received training in selecting measurement instruments.
3) Production of knowledge about Character Education: A congress was held to showcase the action - research projects, which brought together teachers, academics, public officials, and educational organizations from across Latin America. The goal of the event was to raise awareness about the importance of character education in the region, as well as to highlight the results achieved by participants through the implementation of their action research projects in their classrooms.
The program represented the first training experience in character education in Latin America and the first character education program with action research methodology in the world. It is expected in the future to continue positioning the topic in the region and scale the experience at an institutional level by calling not only teachers but also principals of a school to implement character education throughout all levels.
It is important to identify teachers with research experience and motivation to implement new approaches and methodologies in their classrooms. Afterwards, it is essential to train them on the subject and accompany them in the design and implementation process of their projects.
For more information contact the Varkey Foundation or visit the website of the international congress of virtues.