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Methodologies, tools and games for life Project, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: INNVITA EDUCATIVE LAB and INNKITS GAMES TOOLS

INNVITA: educational innovation laboratory to create or experiment new pedagogical practices. INNKITs, games (Board and cards) to create educational projects (Sustainable Development Goals as a game alternative). Silence of Bamboo: Purpose of Life. Continent: Entrepreneurial skills. Abezul: Entrepreneurial projects. Enigma: Innovative Thinking. Labyrinth: Innovation Process. Catapult: Prototyping


Information on this page is provided by the innovator and has not been evaluated by HundrED.

Updated June 2020
Web presence




All students
Target group
INNKITs and INNVita have elements of gamification and game-based learning. They contain a narrative through the game, multiple tools and ways to play according to the specific needs of the target

About the innovation


What we do?

INNVITA: educational inn lab to create pedagogical practices.

INNKIT: games to create sustainable projects

Why we do it?

Current learning models are conventional and do not give young people space to practice innovation, to think about their life projects from the game as an educational, innovative and vital tool to sow purposes, undertake, think creatively, innovate, work as a team and build prototypes.

Through INNKits games, they have tools to transform personal and professional purposes, develop entrepreneurial skills and projects, innovative skills and projects, and develop and implement organizational and educational strategies.

Gamification is mainly used as a pedagogical strategy for the development of competences, practices from real problems and prototypes for sustainable solutions.

Implementation steps


We accompany organizational leaders and to educational mentors with the aim of inspiring them to transmit educational vitality to their students through our tools

Innovation Laboratory

The laboratory is a mobile, open, free, sensory and happy space for mentors to experience new pedagogical practices, through creative and innovative concepts, tools and methodologies for themselves, their teams and their learners.

Innovation games tools kit

Blueprint games are vital and innovative educational tools for seeding purpose, undertaking and staying, creative thinking, innovating, teamwork, prototyping, and implementing strategies.

Play with students

Both teachers and students appropriated the methodology in a very positive way. From this educational innovation it was possible to generate learning and development of 21st century skills that allows students to see and develop different and positive horizons despite their environment and especially to improve it, since the tools are related to life project, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.