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Applied Imagination (Project-Based Learning Curriculum)

Equipping Imagination, Empowering Possibility

There is a lack of transformational and impactful curriculum in most schools today that truly help prepare students for an evolving 21st century workforce. We have created an innovative project-based learning curriculum that teaches students applied skills, business acumen, and entrepreneurial thinking. We empower young imaginations to create innovative solutions to real-world problems.


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Updated May 2024
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We believe education in general needs to get with the future! The 21st century workforce demands are evolving. Creative thinking, problem-solving, teamwork & converting ideas from concept to reality are all in extremely high demand. We don’t need more “Alexa’s” to regurgitate memorized info. We need “thinkers,” who can synthesize that info and do something with it through their own initiative.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

We believe that youth have a contribution to make to society now!

Kids are born as naturally fearless dreamers. But over time, their focus shifts from imaginative ideation to making it through to graduation. By teaching relevant critical thinking and applied skills, we can give youth the opportunity to learn how to use their imagination superpower to solve real problems and present-day issues.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

Kidvation’s Applied Imagination curriculum helps students leverage their innate imaginations to create real world outcomes.

Students apply their imagination skills to one of three pathways: Entrepreneurship, Social Activism, or Research & Development. In each pathway, they're challenged to identify real-world problems. They address those problems through either a product, a program/initiative, or a high-level research-based concept, depending on the pathway. Each pathway culminates in a Capstone Presentation where students present to a panel.

High-scoring projects can onboard to our Marketplace of Ideas website ( The marketplace lets students sell their products, seek funding for a program, or showcase their concept. Kidvation provides free shipping and logistical support and proceeds go directly to the students. In this way, student ideas can live in the real world and keep going beyond the course.

How has it been spreading?

Kidvation Global curriculum is available for schools, churches, and youth organizations. The bulk of implementation comes within schools. We work with both traditional and non-traditional school settings and we are seeing lots of synergy with micro-schools & hybrid schools.

Since officially launching curriculum sales in August 2023, we have started to scale throughout the state of Oklahoma where we are based...and we have matriculated into other states and countries as well. Currently we have programming in: Michigan, Virginia, Nebraska, and North Carolina with South Carolina & Indiana in cue. We also work with students internationally and have current programs in: Pakistan, India, Mexico, Ivory Coast, and Lesotho with Nigeria & Thailand in cue for programming soon.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

You can visit and set up a meeting with our team to learn more about our Applied Imagination curriculum and Kidvation program.

You can also email us directly at to find our more information.

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