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Afghanistan Emergency Education Package

place Qatar + 3 more

Ensuring learning continuity and essential life skill development for Afghan refugees worldwide.

Builds on EAA’s award-winning Internet Free Education Resource Bank (IFERB) and includes holistic learning that is cost-free, screen-free, low-resource requiring, and engaging. Modules such as Survival English, SEL, Host Country, and Life Skills equip them with important tools to help them navigate through and assimilate their new environments seamlessly.


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June 2022
Survival English for Afghan refugee children who are moving to English speaking nations, SEL modules, and learning materials that equip children with essential life skills are the need of the hour.

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

The current crisis comes on top of the 2.2 million Afghan refugees already in neighbouring countries and 3.5 million people forced to flee their homes within Afghanistan's borders. Afghan refugee children need basic language skills, foundational numeracy, SEL tools and modules that help them integrate into host communities.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

The cost-free and screen-free resources are available in Pashto and Dari for 4 to 16-year-olds. The SEL Package Equips children with the tools to positively cope with the new changes. The Survival English Package is a series of 3 game and project-based modules to learn important words in English that will help children overcome communication barriers as they transition to and settle in different countries. Modules such as 'Life Skills' and 'Host Country' cultivate essential skills and facilitates their integration into their host country's environment and culture.
Local partners can select the modules based on the children's learning needs and EAA supports them with capacity building and implementation through training, funding, strategic planning and content development. Each module comes with MEL tools (assessments, surveys, focus group discussion templates) that can be adapted for different programs. Partners capture insights and are supported with sustaining the program.

How has it been spreading?

The Afghan Refugee Education Packages were endorsed and published by international organisations such as Save The Children, INEE, mEducation Alliance, IRC, etc. It was published in the US Department of Education and disseminated in the US Military camps hosting Afghan refugee children. A White Paper was published by the US Dept. of Defense outlining how the packages were used in Ft. Bliss, USA. The packages are being implemented for refugees in Pakistan, the UK and Qatar. There are over 5000+ downloads on EAA's website and have reached over 4000 refugee children through pilot programs. A 6 month pilot program is currently running for Afghan refugee children in Pakistan, facilitated by teachers from the community, while other refugee education programs in Greece and USA are in progress.

If I want to try it, what should I do?

All the content can be downloaded at no cost on EAA's resource website: Guidance and Briefing Notes on how to use the resources are also available on the site.
To access the backend tools and implement a pilot program (with funding options available), please reach out to:

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