There seems to be a disconnect between the purpose of school and what the school has been projected to mean. Students invest so much time in learning academic theories that most times conflict with their future. I wanted to help with extra-curriculum exercises that can connect pupils with real-life career adventures and prepare them for a real-life touch of reality and practical examples.
Adopt A Teach set up extra curricula classes in selected schools. We are very young and still running only 10 classes. Students are selected across different classes to join the Adopt A Teach activities. We have curated a class curriculum that our trained volunteer educators use to teach their sessions. Volunteer Educators are are individuals that have averagely succeeded in their chosen fields with evidence-based stories to use as guides for our Adopt A Teach students to learn from. Classes are mixed of storytelling, questions/answers, and practice. Educators are drawn from the movie industry, music, industry leaders, politicians, counselors public speakers, and others. It is evident that pupils enjoy what is physically relatable than abstract ideas. Adopt A Teach is building self-prepared young people that are living their dream lives in daily practice through their days and time in school.
The spread has been intentionally slow because we are learning to build a great idea that will deliver enduring solutions. Adopt A Teach is about a year old. From the first school where we started, it has spread to 10 schools. We intend to keep this current size for some time before scaling larger. We have been receiving requests from more volunteers to run Adopt A Teach but our goal is to have a standardized curriculum that will help in self-sustaining the initiative anywhere it is been implemented. The overall goal is to create parallel school-based learning support that will balance academic work with life's real need skill and experience. The future should not happen to people unexpectedly.
At the moment, you need to contact us directly as we are still connecting the dots to curate a standardized curriculum that will be available on and offline. But you can contact me at