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Bringing social-emotional learning to every student through every stakeholder

As we begin to reclaim an education of the “whole child”, we must focus on a central issue in our worldwide educational systems: how do we re-engineer our children’s education so that we create significant and lasting systems change in which SEL can be part of mainstream education practice. acSELerate addresses this through a systemic SEL approach, guided by science and informed by practice.

HundrED 2024






Target group
May 2023
SEL is not another thing on the plate - indeed, it is the plate that everything else rests on

About the innovation

Why did you create this innovation?

Education is about creating responsible and dynamic citizens, and enabling children to realize their potential. However, a system predicated around academic achievement cannot fulfil this.
In spite of significant evidence on the role of SEL in attitudes, emotion regulation, learning and academic achievement, SEL hasn't found its place in the education system and it needs to. Urgently so.

What does your innovation look like in practice?

acSELerate is a first-in-class, evidence based, systemic SEL program that is based on a set of research backed frameworks, standards and indicators, has been extensively tested on ground and has been validated by global experts.

acSELerate impacts multiple causal pathways:
*Enabling teacher social-emotional competence through development and mentoring
*Enabling teachers to translate this in the classroom through age-graded SEL curriculum and toolkits for students
*Capacity building of school administrators to create conducive learning environments through SEL practices and policies
*Engaging parents to nurture and bring positive home environments through SEL
*Assessing effectiveness through a set of defined standards, indicators and tools that enable measurement of process and outcomes.

Between 2017-22, we have evidence that 45% of teachers and 65% of students showed a one-level improvement in their SEL skills; 74% of participating schools showed improvements in SEL climate.

How has it been spreading?

*acSELerate has seen a 10x growth in adoption across public schools in the last 2 years
*acSELerate has been reviewed and validated by global SEL experts in 2020
*Our COVID response model 'Connect @ Home' took SEL as a home based program to over 20K students in 2020
*By 2025, we aspire to impact 5 million children through acSELerate

If I want to try it, what should I do?

Learning Curve actively seeks collaborative and invested partners who would like to embed our SEL solution in their work. We will support contextualization, program model design and capacity building for partners who see the value in SEL and are able to take a long term view.
Reach out to for a conversation.

Impact & scalability

Impact & Scalability

acSELerate is a whole-school program with a transformative approach aiming to change education systems by integrating social and emotional learning into the core curriculum. acSELerate has a great potential to continue scaling in other contexts as they engage with State Governments to design and deploy replicable models of SEL in schools.

HundrED Academy Reviews

Through its focus on development over achievement, acSELerate approaches education from a holistic perspective, greatly impacting the learning journeys of its users. acSELerate builds upon past research and uses methods backed up by scientific proof.

This model's cost-effective and replicability quotient makes it a strong candidate for scalability. The reviewer is impressed with the sound research and theoretical underpinnings of this model, which expands its reach in the academic communities too.

- Academy member
Academy review results
Read more about our selection process

Implementation steps

You'll meet with the school leaders/administrators, and facilitate an interactive session with them and their teachers - to understand school environment, context and current practices, discuss the role of teachers in well-being, explain program design and agree implementation plan
Teacher Development
You and your team will undergo a detailed orientation on teacher development, and be introduced to our teacher workshop curriculum. Post this, you/your team can facilitate teacher workshops in your schools (typically 2 full days in a year) which will focus on strengthening teacher SEL competencies, and translating learnings into the classroom
Classroom implementation
Using our expert-validated curriculum, lesson plans and toolkits (which will be open-sourced to you), your teachers will facilitate classroom SEL sessions, which will enable explicit SEL instruction and provide students with active opportunities to learn, reflect and practise
Delivery Support
In order to improve classroom engagement and school-wide adoption, our team will set up 1 support touch-point in a month covering classroom observations, session debriefs and Learning Circles for your team. We can also consider providing a WhatsApp group for teachers (on demand support)
School climate-building
To make school climate safe and equitable, create safe spaces for students and build trusting and authentic relationships among all stakeholders, your team will facilitate 1 meeting per month with School Leader/Administrator on school climate and provide guidance on practices that can be adopted. Learning Curve will support your team with our school SEL framework and practices
Parent engagement
In order to build SEL awareness in parents, and create a positive home climate, we will provide your team monthly activities for parents to do at home with family. We also encourage your team to have phone conversations with parents to build their awareness on SEL, mental health and well-being
Monitoring and Evaluation
We will provide you with, and train your team on our full suite of M&E tools, which have been extensively tested and reviewed by SEL experts. If needed, we could also consider playing a larger role in M&E/impact evaluation for your organization

Spread of the innovation

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