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A Tale Unfolds

A Tale Unfolds combines the best of traditional English teaching and EdTech using video production.

A Tale Unfolds creates projects for the primary English classroom which combines the best of traditional English with video production. In a recent study with the EDUCATE programme from the Institute Of Education, this approach was shown to improve KS2 English by 3.75 times the UK national average rate of progress.


HundrED shortlisted this innovation

HundrED has shortlisted this innovation to one of its innovation collections. The information on this page has been checked by HundrED.

Updated July 2018
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All students
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My pupils have made half a year’s progress in seven weeks!

About the innovation

What is A Tale Unfolds

A Tale Unfolds brings together traditional literacy with digital skills by producing English projects for primary schools which follow the National Curriculum. The aim is to make traditional reading and writing more enjoyable and purposeful for the YouTube generation by combining the best of traditional literacy skills with digital skills.

As primary teachers, we had seen the effects of combining traditional literacy with digital literacy in the classroom. Having identified that the motivations, hopes and dreams of today’s pupil are subtly yet significantly different to those of previous generations, we knew that bringing video production into the classroom was crucial to give context to traditional literacy as well as developing the digital and presentation skills that children need to succeed in the global, digital economy

Check out our resources which combine both reading & writing, cover 5 genres of writing and are integrated with sentence level work from the likes of Alan Peat. We’ve been used in over 1000 schools and counting.

Implementation steps

Check out our website for more details on how to use our resources!

Spread of the innovation

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